Prom-{part two}

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Lawson was sitting on his porch, he looked so handsome in his suit and tie. He stood up and waved to me as I got out of the car. I went over to him and gave him a hug and my mom followed me, with her camera. We spent the first 20 minutes just taking photos together. He put this amazing light tan flower on my wrist, and I stuck a flower in his suit pocket. His yard is on the lake, so we took some photos with the lake in the background. Eventually my mom was finished, and this big limo pulled up into his driveway.
"Did you rent this, for me?" I asked Lawson.
"I wanted my princess to ride in her chariot, so me and my pals threw some money together and we rented this."
"Who's all in there?"
"I have no clue. Grace, Victoria, Violet, Amanda, Charlie's girlfriend, and somebody else I can't remember."
We went into the car and I looked around, looking for the mystery person. To my luck, Bryan and Jenna were the mystery couple. I sat on the other side of the limo next to Grace and Lawson, to avoid Bryan.
When we got there all of the girls nominated for prom queen were to find a teacher that will give them a sash, so people know who they are voting for. I got my sash and me and Lawson danced together.
The night started with slow songs. Then, we got some upbeat songs. Then, I see my mom and dad walk through the door, oh brother.
"Julia, let me take your picture with Lawson slow dancing!"
"Mom! Get out, your not supposed to be here! Besides, this is a fast song!"
"People who see the picture won't know that!"
"But my friends who see the picture are gonna know my mom followed me to prom! Please lave and I'll see you tonight!"
"One picture, then I'll be on my way."
"Fine." I put my arms around Lawson's neck and just acted like I didn't see my mom. My mom snapped the picture and waved goodbye as she walked out the door. I was so relieved that I could finally relax. I went to go get myself some punch. At the punch bowl was Ainsley, dateless. I had totally forgotten about her boyfriend dumping her.
"Hey Ainsley, how you feeling?"
"Julia! To tell you the truth, I wish I wasn't here."
"Listen. Your boyfriend was really stupid to dumb you weeks before prom, because now he's dateless too, not just you."
"Actually, he has a new girlfriend."
"Well, this is awkward. I know! Name a guy you think is cute besides your ex."
"Well, there is this guy in my biology class, Landon, he's really sweet and totally single."
"Landon..... I know him! Let me look... There he is! I'll be right back Ainsley, don't move a muscle!"
I walked over to Landon, who was just sitting all alone.
"Landon... You see Ainsley over there? She's really lonely, and I think she has the hots for you."
"The hots?" Landon laughed at the thought, "do you really think so?"
"I know so, so please do me a favor and have fun."
I walked back to Ainsley and Landon followed me. I winked at Ainsley and walked over to Grace.
"Hey Grace, where's your date?"
"Talking in that group of guys over there. Is Lawson over there too?"
"Yeah. It's ok, I didn't like him anyway."
"What? You said yes to him! And he's super cute! Who else would you even think of going with?"
I stayed silent as I looked over at Bryan who was giggling and talking to Jenna.
"You don't still have that major crush on Bryan that you've had since the 7th grade, do you?"
"No! No way!"
Grace looked at me and frowned and it broke me.
"Yes okay? I do, and he likes me back it's just, he's dating Jenna and he thinks he's in love. We've kissed twice now, but it's no use. He tells me to forget about it each time. I got a note from him two weeks ago that said I love you, but I'll never believe it."
Grace looked at me in shock. I would be shocked too,if my best friend just told me like 20 secrets at a time. Then, the principal started to speak about announcing the winners of prom king and queen.
"Alright. We are going to start off with the winner of prom king. We had five boys nominated, and it was a very close tally. The winner is... Finley Winders!" Everybody clapped and cheered, even though I have no clue who this guy is.
"Alright, the moments these six ladies have been waiting for... The 3rd runner up is... Julia Johnston!"
I went up and the stage proudly, I wasn't shocked I didn't win.
"Our second runner up is.... Jenna Alber-"
"What!? You mean to tell me I dated Bryan for nothing?" Jenna screamed, covering her mouth at the end. Bryan looked at her and just shot her this evil look and mouthed "were through" and Jenna stuck out her tongue.
"Alright then, the winner, our prom queen is.... Grace Anderson!"
"Me? Oh my god! Thank you so much principal Alan. I'd like to thank my mom and dad for telling me to follow my dreams. I'd also like to thank my best friend Julia. Come here for a second, Jules." I walked over to Grace as she placed the crown on my head.
"She should have one, because she's perfect princess material. Now, all this girl needs is a prince that she knows... Bryan."
Bryan walked up on stage and Finley put the kings crown on his head. Bryan walked over to me and kissed me, right in front of the whole school. This time, I didn't stop him. When he finished, we both said I love you at the same time, and I saw Lawson storm out of the room.
Once it was over Bryan and I walked around the hallway holding hands.
"So, your moving. Are we gonna try this long distance thing?"

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