Final goodbyes

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Wow. I looked at Bryan with a large smile.
"Ive tried it before, I just don't think it would work. California is so far away, plane tickets are getting really expensive, I don't want you to go through that trouble. Maybe it's best if we just, date different people. I really hope you can understand." I kissed Bryan on the cheek and walked out of the school, for the last time.
The morning was quiet, boxes were everywhere. Everything was getting packed into this truck. One truck was for goodwill, the other truck was going to the airport to be shipped to our new home. I had to say goodbye to everyone before I left. The first house that I went to was Graces. Carly answered the door and she hugged me so tight my face turned a little blue. Then Grace ran to the door and hugged me, I could hear her crying. I went and sat down on her couch and we just exchanged memories that we had made.
"Remember that time we spilled ice cream in the back of your moms new car, so we sat on it to cover it up and we had sticky butt for the rest of the day?" Grace said, laughing so hard. I can't believe she remembered that, it was from maybe 2nd grade.
"Remember when we dyed your dogs hair blue and went around to peoples houses and asked them if they had lost a smurf? We were grounded for 2 weeks!" I was laughing so hard, the funny thing was that was 6th grade.
"Remember when Carly was born and I tried to send her back to the hospital? You were the one who talked me into giving her a chance." I looked at the time, I had to move in to Harpers house. I hugged Grace one last time and I left.
At harpers house her two little brothers answered the door and they yelled for Harper. Harper had curlers in her hair but she still gave me a huge hug. I sat down on Harpers couch and we did the same thing, talk about memories.
"Remember when you and I gave each other hair cuts and played with my moms hair dye. We were both blonde for a month and our hair was just past our ears!" I laughed at the thought, that was in preschool.
"I remember when I told you I was going to be homeschooled, so you played hide and seek with me, knowing I would get in a box and you taped up the box and brought it home, saying it was 'a old toy'?" I remember that too, I wanted to bring her to my school in a box every day.
"Oh, remember when we did a dance class together? We had to be one of the three little pigs and I got scared, so you stood up and yelled 'it's not a real wolf' and the whole crowd laughed so hard I got up and kept dancing."
I giggled and stood up, I had to move on to my next friend. I gave Harper a huge hug and I left her house, for the last time.
The next house I went to was Violets. She and I didn't have any memories, I just wanted to say goodbye to her. I went to at least 10 other houses, until it was time to see Bryan.
At Bryan's house I just gave him a note, that said open one hour after I leave on the outside. I gave Bryan a peck on the cheek and a large hug, as I walked back to my house, and we drove to the airport.
The note I had given Bryan had said.

"Bryan, it took us so long to discover our feelings that now I'm leaving. I'm so sorry it had to end this way, but I promise I will see you later in life. I love you, and you will always be my best friend. P.S. , I'm sorry I ruined our One Last Chance."

That's the story, of my one last chance.


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