His reaction when you get hurt (James Maslow characters)

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This preference is when you get hurt and how your boyfriend James Maslow characters react to it!

Caleb Greene:
When you get hurt your boyfriend Caleb is:
- wishing he was the one hurt instead of you
- showing emotion and concern towards you
- goes to the hospital and stays there with you for your X-ray 🩻 of your broken bone from one of your body parts like your left leg for an example
- does everything for you like fixing your pillow for you things like that

Great Scott:
When you get hurt your boyfriend Great is:
-runs to your side when you burn your fingers on something hot
- blames himself for you get hurt
- you kiss him telling him to calm down
- becomes a nervous wreck after you tell him not to blame himself

When you get hurt your boyfriend Jake is:
- throws the furniture that landed on your foot that was broken
- takes you to the hospital for you to get a boot for your foot
- cussing like crazy at the doctors at the hospital
- calms down when he sees you laughing at him

Bart Foxsworth:
When you get hurt your boyfriend Bart is:
-fired anyone responsible for your injury
- rides with you in the ambulance
- you trying to calm him down but he doesn't want to hear it
- praying that you are ok
- calls your parents about the accident

When you get hurt your boyfriend Wyatt is:
-goes to your work place and sees you on the ground grabbing your wrist
- drives you to the hospital
- helps you with anything that you need or want
- gives you much needed attention

When you get hurt your boyfriend Will is:
-comes running to where you are at
- checks to see if you are bleeding or broken something
-takes you to the hospital
- call off from work to take care of you

David Holden:
When you get hurt your boyfriend David is:
- leaves where is at when gets a letter saying that you got hurt at home
- drives to the hospital
-blames himself
-hugs you when he sees that you are ok

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