Mrs.Afton's Thoughts

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Claire sat down at the table, coffee mug—filled with tea— resting in between her hands as she stared out the window.

Michael was still asleep while Elizabeth and C.C. sat close to each other with their plushies watching Saturday morning cartoons. Specifically the cartoon Henry and William recently released based on their animatronic mascots. She watched her kids silently viewing the TV's boxy screen and laughing at the images. Laughing... halfheartedly, to say the least.

It had only been 4 days since her niece's, their cousin's, death and a week since Susie and her dog went missing— but considering Charlotte's death, Susie might be as well...

Henry has shut himself down and hasn't done any work. William on the other hand has been overworking. Claire hadn't seen either of the men in forever. Maybe only briefly every morning, right as William was leaving she would see him.

Claire gazed outside the window, sighing to see the same car out of two she noticed in the past few days. Those cops were not as discreet as they thought they were.

Claire wondered if her husband noticed them too. The man in purple was under surveillance and was probably a main suspect. She couldn't blame them for their suspicion though; he just so happened to be there both times involving the two girls and one's dog. AND both at locations half owned by him. It's either him, a worker, or someone that really hates the Fazbear franchise. But Mrs.Afton believed fully that it wasn't her husband who did it... right?

It couldn't be him! He loves the kids so much... he especially couldn't do that to his niece/his partner's daughter. Claire assured herself.

Though would she have to assure herself if she was so confident he was innocent? She shuddered, taking a sip from her tea in a coffee mug.

Now, two locations were shut down. The main location, and the toy animatronic's location. While the main location would reopen sometime soon, the amount of customers wouldn't grow back to its original size.

All fazbear restaurants were getting half as many customers— half as much money— than normal. Paranoia of patrons' own children being taken or killed has driven customers away. Even regulars had become less and less likely to stop by.

It was understandable not to come, but it was hurting the business. They might sell one of the locations just to make up the difference. Most likely the Mediocre Melodie's restaurant.

Sloshing around the tea that's become cold, she wonders: will she have to get a job again? After 15 years of being a stay at home mom?

Who would get all the housework done, because her kids and husband definitely didn't help. Then with their worsening financial situation, they probably wouldn't afford a house cleaner.

Also, she couldn't trust Mike alone with his siblings and the house under his control. He might invite his friends over, bully the younger two, or worse; his fire obsession. She couldn't fathom what might happen to leave him alone... with his box of matches.

"My problem child..." Claire mutters to herself.

She could take up a job as a teacher again though. She got the credentials for all subjects in elementary school teaching during her college year. She just needed to renew her license. Maybe she could teach her own kids. Especially C.C. who struggled with school bullies for how emotional he was.

She let herself daydream on the scenarios that could ensue have she takes a job as a teacher.

Then exhaling, bringing her mind back to reality. The funeral for Charlotte was in a couple weeks. On top of that, her younger son's birthday is this Friday. She felt somehow overwhelmed and underwhelmed at once.

Hopefully, not much more will go wrong this week at Fredbear's.

Sorry it's short! I've been busy at school haha. I know that 5 isn't a big number, but i noticed the common 5(ish) readers that tend to read every chapter. And sometimes vote! Thank you so much, and have a good one!

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