CHAPTER • 6 ♥️

598 13 2

Author's POV

It was a rainy day...y/n was sleeping peacefully and lazily on her bed..under her warm blanket..,
Mrs.park : y/n...?? Y/n ?? Come downstairs...!!
(She hummed a little but didn't bother to get Outta her comfy bed)
Mrs.park : it's already 6:45 a.m. y/n... c'mon don't act like a lil have to get ready for school....
( She heard the footsteps and voice getting louder every second )
Mrs.park : Y/N!!!!!!!! I won't repeat myself...GET UP NOW..!!! (She slammed her door.., making y/n flinched..)
Y/n : mom please not today...
Mrs.park : what do you mean by not today..?? (She said removing the cover From her)
Y/n - Uhm- actually I don't wanna go to school Today...!! See it's raining too...who goes to school When it's raining hard..,no one Right..?? 😩
Mrs.park : if you're done with your drama...,then get ready.., come downstairs..have Your smoothie, I'll call the driver...
Y/n - Mom.. I'm not in the mood of goin' today... can't you understand, I'm traumatized by all things happening arround meh..gimme a break for God Sake..,
Mrs.park : What..? traumized..?
Y/n : ahh-
Mrs.park : soo now' goin' to school and studying has become traumatizing to this What you're saying??
Y/n : Eomma noo-
Mrs park : shut upp and Stop arguing
With meh...behave yourself y/ much as you're growing're becoming arrogant day by day...stop talking back and listen to all the things quietly..., where are your manners this What I taught you.?? it why you're going to school..?? Is that why I am providing you education?? So you can talk back to meh.. disrespect me..!!!! Answer mehh...!!!!!!!!
Y/n : I'm so-
Mrs park : where is the old you..?? you weren't like this before.., with who you've been lately?? With your unnies right..they taught you This..?? Y'know I can ruin their career with just one won't take much time for me to do that.. I hold that power.., that's Whyy behave yourself before talking back to meh... And goo to school.. you've already wasted my time by lecturing you...!! Get ready asap..!! Your semester is near and there's you.. stubborn brat..!!
(She went Away)

( Your eyes went teary after hearing her... Y'know she's stressed but bursting it out on their own it necessary...!! Did she even know what effect this will have on you..? Y'know she didn't mean any of the things she said now' but still it hurt you so much..she just ruined your whole day..!!! Even if she apologizes for this it's not goin' to fix anything out..who says rich kids lives are easy.. some kids have strict parents like this too...who tell them to behave and to stay quiet 24/7...they can't even live their life in their own way..they control everything in their life...
This is the reason you don't tell her anything bout' Jungkook.. cuz first' you think she loves Jungkook more than you..,yes she's so Sweet like honey sometimes.. but she can be a snake too if needed..,you think she's just Gonna put the blame on you that you seduced him or hide things from everyone..or worst marry you off with Jungkook.. which she had already plan anyway.., you can't do anything about it for Now'.. you're just too afraid too fragile to tell this to anyone... your mom has made it hard for you to express yourself.. you always have to carry on that fake happy aura everywhere.."nobody need to know how you're feeling inside cuz nobody cares".. that's what your mom tell you.., thats why you don't tell anybody even your closed ones...what they'll think..?? Ahh yess you're still living with that old stereotype mentality...,Maybe in future you'll find a way to get away from this live but for now you'll have to continue to endure it for the sake of yourself..,

Okay enough... let's get you ready for school y/n Sweetie... stop crying..😘

Your uniform ___

Your makeup and hair

(Gotta keep those eye bags Away cuz of 😭 ) Hehe 😅

And you're ready 😉💞

See ya really Soon 🦋

Edit : guys I'm really sorry for the slow updates.., just got caught with some shits and my health especially mental is also included... I was so sick tbh this whole month went by sneezing.., coughing and temperature rising...,and it was my bloody birthday About 3 days ago..,and on that I was also sick (yess I confirmed I'm that person who's sick 24/7 And also absent the most in the class but still pass with kinda okay okay good grades somehow 🤡)..but still I went out with my family had fun and treats...,and here I'm writhing this story for y'all with blurry eyes...(sorry' for the grammatical mistakes.., Not my fault but I'll try to make it Right ) please don't cancel me for this Very short ch.. I'll update Soon..( can't really promise sorry' 😭 but I'll 100% try )

sooo Yeahh that it is for Today...

see you soon or maybe never...😮‍💨

Ba byeww Lovelyz...✨💌❤️

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