Chapter 2

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Shrignold pov
Tony wakes everyone up at 8am every single day. He's very adamant about being on time and no matter what you do or say you will be up at 8. This works for me because it gives me time to relax before I have to go to a love cult meeting at noon. Today Tony did the same thing, going into everyone's rooms yelling at them to wake up. I'm the furthest room away from him so I'm always waken up last.
    Tony Bursts into my room yelling at me to wake up rather rudely. I think he's still mad about last night. I groggily get up and start getting ready for the morning. After that I head downstairs and cheerfully say good morning to everyone.
    "Morning!" Paige mumbled through a mouthful of cereal.
    "Good morning" Collin says spitefully
Tony just ignores me but I don't think much of it. The other teachers have yet to come down, except for electracey, who was just walking down the stairs
    "Morning Tracey!" I tell her
    "Good morning Shrignold!" She responds
I walk off to get some coffee going since I am definitely not a morning person. I don't talk to Tracey much so I figured today was a good day to try and get her to join. Maybe Malcom would be less angry at me.
    "Hey Tracey, do you think you'd be interested in joining the Love Cult?" I asked
    "The what?" She responds
I guess I've never asked her before, weird
    "It teaches others about all the beauties of love and we can help people find their special someone's too!"
    "Sounds interesting!" She responds
I see her eyes veer off behind me and when I turn around I see Paige signaling to Tracey. She was mouthing the words "no, don't!" and waving her arms frantically
    "Really Paige?!" I yell at her
    "It's just you we're leaving out the homophobic part and I didn't want Tracey to join without knowing!" She exclaimed
    "It's not my fault that being gay just isn't correct, it's a sin in Malcom's eyes, so it's a sin in mine!" I defended
    "Yea... I don't think I'm going to join, thanks for offering though!" Tracey says
    "Look at what you've done!" I scream at Paige
    "Shrig Paige didn't make Tracey not join it was her own choice!" Tony voiced
    "Yes it is!" I yell and went back to my room
What is wrong with them?! I think to myself. I mean it's clear that it's wrong, why can't they see it! It's always been he's made for her and she's made for him not he's made for him or she's made for her! It's wrong!, it's disgusting!

(TimeSkip to the meeting, brought to u by Walmart)

I had just taken my seat as Malcom has approached his thrown.
    "So my children, how has the recruitment gone?" He asks, his voice booming
He starts calling out each of the names as they list how many they have gotten to join.
    "Shrignold. How many have you recruited?"
    "Um... 0." I say quietly
    "0? Well you better recruit some by next week or there will be repercussions" he says menacingly
    "O-ok." I respond
Malcom moved on to everyone else as they all said how many they had recruited. I was the only one to have no recruited anyone.
    "That concludes the meeting, if you wish to speak with me alone let me know and we shall"
I let him know and once everyone else left he asked, "so, what do you wish to consult me with?"
    "It's just. 2 of my roommates have turned gay and are refusing any attempt I made at making them normal again.
     "Shrignold... time and time again you have failed! No new recruits and you've managed to let 2 turn gay? I'm very disappointed. I will not punish you this time though. However if you do not have a new recruit by next week your punishment will be given then."
    "I u-understand" I say, my voice slightly shaking
    "Off you go now, you'll need all the time you can get to recruit more people!" He said cheerfully
I leave the room and start walking home. Thoughts start flooding through my head. 'How can I ever do this? They're all very adamant about not joining. Maybe if I ask some of the teachers I haven't spoken too much away from the others?
    Yes. That'll have to work. It needs to work.' The rest of the walk home my thoughts remain silent as I just try to focus on walking. Once more I get to the house and open the door, no one notices me again. I decided to not talk to the others and just go to my room to come up with a plan.
    I laid out the names of all the teachers in the house and ranked them in their likely hood of joining. Paige, Tony, Collin, and Tracey are definitely not joining. I've heard Steve and Fred might be in a relationship so maybe I can fix them. And then there's Larry. I don't know much about him, but I figured he's worth a shot. My game plan for tomorrow is to try talking to Fred and Steve and get them to join, and if that fails I can try talking to Larry.
     Steve had called everyone down for dinner so I hid the paper and went downstairs to eat. He had prepared some food with white sauce poured over it, unappetizing as usual but if you don't eat he'll throw a fit.
    Not one word was spoken and the atmosphere was pretty tense, so as soon as I finished eating I went back to my room and figured since it was dark I should probably sleep.

Word count: 964

[the higher members of the Love Cult (Shrignold) have 2 meetings a week, one on Monday and the second on whatever day Malcom decides, the lower members meet once a week on Wednesday's for a few hours]

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