Chapter 13

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Shrignold pov

    I woke up and tried to move my arms, before I realized they were tied down. I tried to move my head, but my head also had restraints. I used my eyes to look around as best I could, I was laying on a white table and the entire rest of the room was black whilst I had a bright light shining I've time
    I started to panic, knowing I was still with the love cult. They know I'm gay, they'll do all sorts of crazy things. I felt my heart rate speed up, and my breathing quicken. I couldn't just ball up and cry this time, I had to stay strong. Not give Malcom the pleasure of knowing this hurts me
    After a few minutes of taking deep breaths I had begun to calm down, trying to find the bright side of anything. Before I heard the door open
    "I see you've woken up" Malcom said whilst walking through the door
    "Why am I here?" I asked him
    "We need to rid you of this 'gay' you possess, so we need to study your brain" he told me
    "W-what?" I asked him, stuttering
    "We won't be performing a lobotomy, you'd be too changed and your roommates would know, we just need to make a small incision in your skull to see your brain and how it's different from a normal persons" he told me
    "What the hell is wrong with you? I am normal, you'll find nothing different with my brain. Please don't do this" I bargained
    "It's too late for that, you'll wake up soon, goodbye" he said whilst injecting something into my neck vein, before I passed out

Time skip

I slowly opened my eyes, wincing at how bright it was. I had the worst headache, like someone was banging my head with a hammer every second.
    My heart sunk as I began to remember what had happened before I passed. I went to move my arms, but they were still restrained.
    I couldn't bear to see what the scar would look like. I already had the smaller one that I was already insecure enough about
     I closed my eyes again, hoping to go back to sleep because I couldn't stand the splitting pain anymore. With so little to do, my mind began to wander
    'What will Larry think of me when he finds the scar? Would he find me too ugly to be with?' My body shuddered as I kept thinking awful things like this
    My breathing slowly sped up, until it felt like I could no longer breathe. I tried to calm down and take deep breathes but I couldn't. I was panicking more and more as it got even more difficult to breathe, until I felt so lightheaded that when I closed my eyes, I didn't open them again until someone entered my room
    'Wake up" Malcom boomed as he started taking off my restraints
    "Find anything different about my brain?" I asked him
    "Actually yes, but I'm not telling you what"
    I sighed, knowing I would never know why I'm such a fuck up. A disappointment. A mistake
    I stood up once he undid all the restraints, and instantly felt lightheaded
    "How long was I out?" I asked Malcom
    "About a day, so you have 4 more days for that head wound of yours to heal." He let me know
    I didn't respond and instead followed him back to my room
    Before we entered I got a glance of my reflection in a mirror through an open door, the scar looked terrible, it was a cut on the left side of my head, about 7 inches wide. I still had hair around the scar so when it healed some more, I could cover it up with my hair and some hairspray
    He opened the door and I walked into the dreaded room, seeing Ben on my bed.
"You look like dog shit, like more dog shit than last time, which I wasn't even sure was possible but you somehow managed it!" Ben said before swiftly getting off my bed
    Malcom told me to let you rest for the rest of today, but tomorrow I can do whatever I want~" Ben said
    I just laid down on the bed and tried to sleep, I knew if the scar was going to heal anymore I had to have plenty of sleep so I decided to sleep every second Ben wasn't making my life hell
    I eventually fell asleep, and even my brain was too tired to come up with any dreams for the night. It was so peaceful until Ben shook me awake
    "It's timeee~" he told me before ordering me to do the same thing as last time
    I complied once more and went through the entire multi hour long process. It was terrible, the other 2 times were ok, but with Ben kissing me, it felt more personal, more like cheating on Larry. It made me feel bad, lien if Larry found out he's leave me for cheating on him
    That's why he must never find out. No matter what it takes.
    Ben repeated this process multiple times throughout the day, the next 3 days after that were the same. Ben wakes me up. He forces himself upon me, repeat 3 times, go to sleep. Then he wakes me up again.
    On the fourth day Malcom opened the door and told me to leave after he gave me my phone back.
"Hey, I'm on my way home right now, sorry that I had ti stay na extra few days" I texted Larry
   He responded saying it's fine and that he missed me.
    I stopped at a different gas station this time, since i didn't want to be yelled at.
    I walked into the bathroom and looked at my reflection in the mirror.
    I had dried blood around the stitches, so I wetted a paper towel and tried my best to get rid of it. I then positioned my hair so it would fall over that spot and cover it, I had nothing to lock it in place except water so I was hoping that would work until I made it to the house
   I left the gas station and continued the trek home. It was pretty boring and I just couldn't wait to sleep in my own bed, or cry on the floor.
    Before I knew it I had made it to the door and was opening the handle, I fixed my hair one last time before entering with a happy smile on my face.
    "Hey guys!" I said cheerfully to Paige, Tony, Collin, and especially Larry
   "Welcome back" Tony said in a monotone voice
   "What thing about the cult could take 5 days??" Paige asked excitedly
    "Unfortunately it's too secret so I can't share any of my escapades with you guys" I lied to them
    "Hey Shrig!" Larry said happily
    "Hi Larry!" I said before hugging him
    "I'm extremely tired so I'm gonna go in my room and sleep" I told everyone
    "Ok" they all said
    "Can I join you?" Larry asked
    "Yea sure, feel free" I told him
    We made our way up to my room and I just collapsed on my bed
    "You really were tired huh?" He asked, laughing
    "Yea the bed he gave me was not comfy at all" I told him
    "Couldn't you just request a better one?" He asked
    "We're not on the best terms right now so he probably wouldn't listen" I responded
    "How so?" Larry asked
    "I haven't gotten anyone to join the cult in months now soo" I responded
    "Does he have a punishment?" He asked, sounding concerned
    "Yea, but it's nothing much, just have to spend a few hours after the meetings and stuff" I told him, not technically lying
    "That sucks, I'm gonna leave you be so you can sleep, goodnight my love" he said
    "Goodnighttt, I'm l talk to you soon" I said as he closed the door behind him
    It was around 5pm, so if I slept now my sleep schedule wouldn't be too messed up, but it's also still light out so I'm not sure if I can sleep
    I did prove myself wrong very fast and passed out pretty soon after my head hit the pillow
    I woke up a few hours later and it was completely dark, I checked the time and it was 3am, I had already gotten my 8 hours of sleep I need to function so I just sat on my bed and started thinking of the events that happened the last 5 days
    Tears threatened to spill from my eyes as I remembered every detail, my breathing quickened but I slowed it back down fairly soon
    Eventually I did end up crying, curling into a ball and sitting there for 30 minutes
    "Why am I so fucking useless" I said to myself through my sobs
    "Why am I such a disappointment?" I ask myself
    My eyes glanced over to the drawer my knife was opened the drawer and threw the knife in my trash
    I already have too many scars, I can't give myself the temptation to make more. I told myself
    I crawled back into my bed and continued crying, until I eventually had no tears left to cry.
    I closed my eyes and waited for sleep to overtake me, until it eventually did

Word count: 1572

[sorry this took so long to come out, I had like 0 energy today. I hope you all are having a wonderful day! Also there will most likely be more spelling errors, since I'm too tired to properly spell check]

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