Chapter 6

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Shrignold pov
    I decided to skip school, I couldn't handle dealing with everyone right now. My mom was passed out so he could call the school and verify his own absence.
    I go back into my room and open my diary again. I decided to write what I was feeling in it again. How upset at the world I was. How much I hated myself...

(Time skip😱😱)

School ended about 3 hours ago and my mom still wasn't up from what I could hear. I was too scared to leave my room in case she was awake. That proved to be useless when she burst into my room a few seconds later.
    "THERE YOU ARE YOU FAG" she yelled
    I flinched at the sudden noise and she walked closer to me
    "What made you think being a fag would be ok?!? It's time for you to be punished." She said
    I wasn't sure what kind of punishment she meant that was until she picked me up and chucked me down the stairs. I landed on my arm weird and I might have broken it.
    Those words hurt a lot but I couldn't let her notice that. She kicked me while I was still on the ground, hitting my hurt arm. This made me scream out in pain.
    "What your too much of a baby to handle some pain?" She asked before kicking me again.
    And again. And again, until I passed out from the pain
    "Wake upPp" Collin yelled at me before leaving once he saw me open my eyes
    Dread swept over me as I realized today was the day of the meeting. I got ready for the morning like normal. Skipping breakfast, like normal. And then waiting. Having a sort of sense of impending doom. My anxiety only grew as the day went on. Eventually I knew I had to leave. I stepped out of my room then out of the house and walked until I was eventually at the meeting location. I found my seat and waited nervously.
    "Welcome to another meeting, to start things off let's see how everyone did recruiting others"
    I listened as he called off names, hearing them tell him the numbers. I had spaced off until I heard my name
    "Shrignold? Come see me after the meeting." His voice boomed.
    Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck. He sounded pissed. I listened to him calling everyone else's names. And him discussing the next stage of the cult, which was get more and more members until we can be recognized as a world religion. The meeting had come to a close and I was terrified as I walked toward Malcom.
    "Follow me"Malcom stated
    I followed him through many hallways until we stopped outside a door and he started talking to me
    "I understand you didn't recruit anyone during the time allotted. And not to mention the person you tried to get to join was gay! You have failed in every way at trying to be a member. So I give you this as your punishment and you better find a way to get someone to join in 2 weeks of this will keep happening." He told me
    "O-ok I understand" I stutter
    I watch as he opens the door then picks me up and throws me inside. It's pitch-black in here aside from 1 lone  light in the center. Nothing happened for roughly 3 hours and I was wondering if this was my punishment. Until the doors opened and 2 members walked in.
    "Oh- hey guys." I said
    "Trust me your not happy to see us~"one said
    I was about to ask why until one started to unbuckle their belt. The other lunges at me, to hold me still. They started tearing at my clothes trying to take them off
   "NO- STOP Please" I pleaded with them through tears
    "Bosses orders" one said
    "Now whose ready for some fun~" the other said.
"I'm never going to forget this" one said
    I closed my eyes, I couldn't bear to see. I felt a sharp pain up my rectum I let out a sharp cry in pain.
    "Someone's getting excited~" one said.
    After many many hours they finally left. I put my clothes back on and started crying. Why would Malcom do this? I was a loyal member? Why do I fuck up everything? Why am I such a fuck up? My body was racking with sobs when the door opened.
    "You can go" someone yelled from outside
    I stood and had pain doing so, I could barely walk. If I could run I would've done so to leave here. I slowly walked home stopping at a gas station to use the bathroom. I didn't want the others to know. I had to make my eyes less puffy and fix my clothes best as I could.
    Granted it was 3am? So it's not like they would be up anyways. After making sure I looked fine I finished my walk home. As expected no one was there waiting for me.
    I walked back up to my room. Holding in sobs as I started hyperventilating. I walked into my room, closed then locked the door then fell on the floor crying.
    Life didn't feel like living anymore. It's like every centimeter of my dignity is gone. Like my body doesn't even feel like mine anymore. I look around my room to see my knife on the bookshelf
    "It wouldn't be so bad if I-" I whisper to myself as I grab it.
    It felt like the pain was leaving after every cut on my already scar ridden arm. Blood was flowing out of my arm too fast. I had to put pressure on it and get it cleaned. I snuck into the bathroom to clean and bandage it. I'd already lost a lot of blood so I was feeling a little woozy.
    After I finished I went back to my room and saw a small pool of blood on the ground. I put some books over it because I couldn't be bothered to clean it right now. I stumble into my bed and pass out from exhaustion.

Word count: 1051

[this chapter covered some more mature themes, if any of you reading need to talk about, just know I'm always here <3]

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