Chapter 11

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Shrignold pov
"Wake uppp-" I heard Collin say before he cut himself off
I woke up and saw that Larry was still sleeping on my legs, that's probably why he cut himself off
"Good morning Collin" I said sleepily
"Why is he in here?" Collin asked
"I don't know, guess he just fell asleep" I replied
"You do know he's gay right? Usually you don't hang out with gay people" Collin pointed out
"Yea I'm aware, and I don't really care anymore" I said
"This is great! I'll go tell Tony, maybe he'll stop holding his grudge!" He said cheerfully
"Thanks Collin" I said
Collin rushed out of my room presumably to go tell Tony. I turned to look at Larry. I don't want to wake up Larry, he looks so peaceful. His eyes opened soon after I think he saw me staring at him. I turned away quickly, feeling blush creep across my face.
"Good morning!" Larry said cheerfully
"Morning!" I responded
"To be honest I'm too tired to walk to our spot today" Larry said
"Thank god, I am too." I responded
"Also I have a love cult meeting the day after tomorrow just fyi" I told him
"Aww ok" Larry said looking sad
"It's not till 9am so we can hang out till then" I said attempting to cheer him up
"Well, what do you want to do today?" He asked
"I'm not sure, we could just vibe in here, or go socialize" I said
"I'll take the first option I really don't want to go talk to people" Larry said
"Well, I'm fairly certain we've talked about everything imaginable in the universe by now, do you want to have a drawing contest??" I asked excitedly
"Yea sure! I bet I'll be better then you!" He said
"We'll see" I said grabbing the paper and pencils
"What to draw..." I said to myself
"I have an idea, for round 1 we draw you, then round 2 we draw me! And if we tie we can have a tie-breaker round" he voiced
"That sounds so fun! Let's do it!" I said excitedly
"Time starts now" I said pressing the go button on my 10 minute timer
I started drawing myself, starting with an oval for my face, I had never drawn myself before so it was a little hard to get the angles right. Plus I didn't have my face in front of me as a reference.
I cringed as I heard the alarm go off.
"Ok, flip your paper around in 3, 2, 1" I said before flipping mine around
Larry's drawing of me looked phenomenal and way better than I look in reality. But since we were going off accuracy, I did end up winning.
"I was closeEE" Larry screeched
"Yea but we already decided accuracy was going to be a determining factor!" I argued back
"Ok it's time to draw you, I said starting the timer"
I didn't focus as hard to draw this one as mine, I let my mind wander as my hand kept working. Apparently I had drawn him in 3 different angles, and it looked almost perfect.
The timer went off and after I silenced it, it told Larry "turn the paper around in 3,2,1, now!"
Larry's drawing looked good, but not as good as the one he did of me. I guess we were just better at drawing each other.
"That's amazing Shrig!" He shouted in amazement
"Thanks, yours is really good too!" I said back
"Come on, yours is way better! You win the entire contest for sure" he said
"I knew I'd be better then you" I said playfully
"Well, that's rude!" He responded
We sat down on my bed after that, neither of us tried to speak, we just enjoyed the silence
"Dang I'm bored" I said
"Hehe... I have an ideaaaa" he said before rushing out of my room.
I just waited for him to come back, I didn't really want to chase him down
Before I knew it he burst back into my room, holding some vodka.
(Yay drunk Larry actually exsists😱)
"Let's play a drinking game of some sort!" He suggested
"Sure, why not" I replied
"We could play never have I ever??" I suggested

[Rules are someone says smthn they've never done, and if the other has, they take a drink]

"Might be a tad boring with just one other person, but why not" he replied
"Alright I'll go first" I said
"Never have I ever had a pet" I said
"I had a hamster!" Larry said taking a sip
"Never have I ever done drugs" Larry said
"Just a fewwww times" I said taking a swig
[yea I think Shrig does drugs and Larry doesn't😩]
"Never have I ever been to another country" I said
"Nah, I've never been" Larry said, putting his drink down

Love Cult (Shrignold angst + lampnold) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now