Chapter 23

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Shrignold pov
I opened my eyes to find myself in a bed. It wasn't mine, it was much more uncomfortable. I tried to stand but a sharp pain shot through my stomach. I looked at my surroundings to find it looked like I was in a hospital bed
I looked to my side to see Larry, Collin, and Tony sleeping in the chairs. They looked tired and I didn't want to wake them so I looked at the ceiling, confused as to why I was even here
After some time Tony opened his eyes and saw I was awake
"Shrig! Your ok!" He said
"Yea, why wouldn't I be?" I asked him
"Do you not remember?" He asked
"Nope" I told him
"I found you on the ground in the bathroom. You stabbed yourself" Collin said, I hadn't realized he had woken
My memories came flooding back to me
"N-no I can't be alive" I said
"Why? You're an amazing person" Collin said, smiling warmly
"I-I'm going to h-hurt you all" I said panicked
"How so?" Tony asked
"I'm not sure I just w-will" I told him
I saw Collin and Tony's body on the ground beside me. I shut my eyes, not wanting to see
"What's wrong?" Tony asked
I didn't say anything
"You can tell us anything, we won't judge you" Collin reassured me
"Y-your corpses are right there" I said pointing to the ground
"There's nothing there?" Collin said confused
"We believe you Shrig, it's just what your seeing is just in your head, we're right here and we're fine" Tony said
"You won't be fine if I stay alive" I said, tears threatening to leave my eyes
"Shrig you're awake?!" Larry said as he ran over to hug me
"H-hey Larry" I spoke
"Why would you do that? I was so scared you wouldn't make it..." Larry said through tears
"I-I'm sorry I thought everything would be better if I wasn't alive" I told him
"It's not, nothings better if your not here" Larry told me
"I'm sorry, I guess I just wasn't thinking haha" I said, trying to laugh
I regretted doing that as a sharp pain went through my midsection
"Are you ok?" Larry asked, seeing me wince
"Yea, I'm fine" I said
"I'm going to go get the doctor" Tony told me
"O-ok" I stuttered
" can you promise me you won't do that again?" Larry asked me
"Anything for you" I said, glad I could speak to him without his lifeless corpse nearby
Tony returned with a doctor soon after
"Can you all leave so I can speak to him?" She asked
"Sure" Larry said before leaving behind Collin and tony
"How are you feeling" she asked
"My stomach hurts a lot, and I have a bit of a headache, other then that I'm fine" I told her
"Ok, let's discuss some things" she started "we had to sew your stomach closed so you'll be in pain for a few days, I'll prescribe meds to help though" "once you're realeased of our care we recommend you go to a mental hospital to get evaluated" "and one last thing, you were extremely malnurished when you came here, have you been eating properly?" She asked
"No, I guess I haven't" I told her
"I won't get too into details here, so I suggest you talk that over with a psychiatrist or therapist" she told me
"O-ok" I stuttered
"You'll need to stay here about another 2 days while your stomach heals, our stomachs heal pretty fast since it's a vital organ" she told me
(I made that shit up😍)
"Oh yea, one final thing, what happened to your eye? Your friends said you poked it in your sleep but that can't be the case. One of them said you've already been here for the eye, but that isn't the case. So if you don't mind me asking, what happened" she asked
"Oh, I um, I dont really want to get into the details right now" I said to her
"Fair enough, is it okay if I recomend some psychiatric facilities for your friends so they can take you there in a few days" she asked me
"Yea, go ahead" I told her
"Alrighty, I'll let them back in now" she said before leaving

(Time skip😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫)

The next few days flew by faster then I thought they would. Sure they were boring but Larry came in almost everyday to visit, and the others came a few times.
I had been home for a day now, mostly staying in my room to not reopen my stomach wound, I had my first appointment with a therapist today
Tony drove me and said he's come get me after my appointment was over. I walked to the front desk and told them my name, they said they would call me in in a moment.
So I say down, a little anxious. Before I knew it they had called my name so I left my seat to go in the office
It was like the stereo typical therapist office, the weird couch thing, and my therapist was in a leather chair in front of it
"Let's start with introducing ourselves, I'm dr Hansen, and you are?" He asked
    "I'm Shrignold, you can call me Shrig if you want" I told him
    "Alright Shrig, is there anywhere you want to start or any questions you'd like to ask me?" He said
    "Yea, just one, if I told you something illegal I did, would you call the police?" I asked
    "Nope, that's called patient confidentiality, I can't tell the police anything unless you said you were going to harm yourself or others" he let me know
    "Ok, do you have any suggestions of where to start?" I asked
     "How about your childhood?" He suggested
    "Sure" I said before telling him everything. He didn't say much, just wrote stuff down as I told him everything about my childhood I could remember, even about killing my mom
   " I'm sure killing her has had lasting effects on your mental state?" He asked me
    "Yea probably, this is my first time at a therapist" I told him
    "Ah, I see" he said
    "That appears to be all the time for today, see you in 2 days" he said
    "Ok, bye" I said seeing myself out
    I didn't talk to Tony at all, I just thought about how good it felt to tell another person about my troubles. I think this might actually be helpful

Word count: 1098

[I hope everyone reading enjoyed this chapter and I wish everyone an awesome rest of your day]

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