Chapter 7

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[I think I'm going to have this chapter jump around povs a bit to convey how different Shrignold is, also no dream this chapter]

Shrignold pov
"Wake upPpPPpPpP" Tony was yelling
"HellooOoOOOOoO" Collin was asking
I groggily woke up and before I could even say anything they left. I didn't feel like leaving my bed. Like every atom of energy inside me was gone. I knew I had too anyways or everyone else would be annoying about it.
I stood up and had a sharp pain go through my lower half. I winced in pain as I tried to walk it off. I looked in my mirror and realized I looked like shit. I tried fixing my hair but it wouldn't stay put.
"Whatever" I mumble to myself before going to brush my teeth.
I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen to greet the others
"Morning" I said in a monotone voice
"Good morning!" Paige said back happily
I ignored her and grabbed a cup of coffee before going back to my room.
(Paige pov😩)
Well that was rude! He just left without saying anything. I thought to myself. He did look a bit more sad than normal but maybe it's just him being tired, he didn't come back until pretty late last night.
I brush off the thought and go back to eating cereal since the others hadn't noticed him.
(Shrignold pov💯)
I barely made it back to my room before I started crying again. I sat on the floor and hugged my knees silently crying. Until it felt like I couldn't breathe. I'd realized my breathing had gotten faster and I couldn't control my own lungs. I started to panic more as I gasped for more breaths of air before I passed out
(Larry pov💪)
I figured I'd go check in on Shrig since I hadn't seen him at all today. He may be a homophobe but, I still care about him. I approached his door and knocked. I waited for a bit but there was no response. 'Weird' I thought to myself as I knocked once more. Again, no response. I figured he might have left the house without me knowing, but I still wanted to check his room just in case.
I opened the door to see Shrig passed out on the floor in front of me.
"Shrig? Wake up!" I said as I shook him.
"Shrig, buddy, come on get up! I said slightly more frantic
He still wouldn't get up. I checked his pulse and he was still alive, but I was still worried so I left to get the others.
"Hey guys! Shrignold is passed out in his room and won't wake up!" I shouted
"Ok and?" Tony said, rolling his eyes
"So we need to help him!" I replied
"Larry's right" Paige voiced to Tony
"Fine, whatever" he said before leading the way to shrigs room.
"There he is" I said motioning towards shrigs limp body
"Well, put him on the bed!" Collin yelled
I picked up his body, he was lighter than I thought he'd be. I then placed him on his bed, he was still out cold
"You said he still has a pulse?" Tony asked
"Yea he does." I replied
"Then we can't really do anything else except wait for him to wake up, we don't own any smelling salts or anything"
They all left his room, but I wanted to wait for him to wake up. 'What could've made him pass out?' I thought to myself. 'Maybe he was just super tired...'
I sat on his bed next to where he was laying. I saw his hair was in his face so I reached over to move it. 'He looks so pretty right now' I began to think. 'No! He's a huge homophobe you can't be thinking that!'
I leaned away from him and just waited patiently for him to wake, eventually I got a little bored and decided to go snooping.
I looked on his bookshelf and they were all book written by Malcom. He didn't have a single normal book, just different copies of whatever Malcom had written. Shrigs dresser was pretty barren on top. And I didn't look inside his drawers, I figured that was stepping a line. His desk had some pencils and blank paper on top of it. Underneath a book on his desk I found a paper with everyone's names on it, with their likliehood of joining. "Of course he tried everyone before me..." I said to no one in particular.
His room was incredibly boring so I returned back to his bed to wait for him to wake.
(Time skip💪💪💪💪)
I've been waiting here for about 2 hours now. I'm growing rather impatient and was planning on leaving soon, before I saw one of shrigs eyes flutter open.
"Oh! Your finally awake!" I said cheerfully
"How long was I out?" He asked
"About 2 hours I think." I replied
"Why were you passed out?" I asked
"I'm not entirely sure" he said
"We're you in here the whole time?" He asked
"Yea, I didn't want you to be alone when you woke!" I said cheerfully
"That's actually pretty nice, I thought you wanted nothing to do to me after you found out." He trailed off
"I still care about you, I just can't follow someone who has those beliefs" I state
"I have nothing better to do today so I've decided I'm going to hang out with you today, if that's ok?" I asked
"I understand. And yea I have no problem with that!" He said
"Would you happen to know what time it is?" He asked
"Almost noon I'm pretty sure." I replied
"Wanna go grab a bagel for lunch? He asked
"Yea sure!" He said standing up
I noticed him wince a little when he stood up but he seemed fine after that so I'm sure it's nothing.
    We walked down the stairs to grab a bagel and noticed Tony and Collin in the living room playing a game
    "Nice to see you finally decided to wake" Tony said sarcastically
    "Shrig what happened? Why'd you pass out?" Collin asked
    "I'm not sure" Shrig replied
    "Oh, alright then." Collin said
    We grabbed our bagels then I dragged him into the living room and tried to let Tony and Collin let us play
    "Pleaseeeeeeee" I pleaded with them
    "Fine, but if you get annoying we're kicking you out." Tony replied
    "Deal!" I said excitedly
    "So what game are we playing?" I asked
    "Uno" Collin said
     "I'm cracked at uno" I said confidently
    "We'll see about that" Tony said menacingly
    The game went on for a very long time, Tony would get down to one then keep getting plus 4's, Shrig got down to one but didn't say uno since he's never played before, so he had to draw 2
    "UNO!" I yelled confidently
    I saw Tony and Collin smirk at each other before I saw Collin put down a reverse.
    Tony looked at me mischievously. Before he played a plus 4, ruining my chances of winning, Shrignold went and then Collin yelled uno
    I looked at Shrig, signaling with my eyes if he had anything to stop him. Shrig shook his head. I sighed in defeat as I soon realized I'd lose.
    As predicted we got around to Collin and he placed a blue 2 and won
    "FuckKkK, I was so confident I'd winNn" I complained
    "I'm never going to forget this!" Collin declared
    "Seeing your smug smile be wiped off your face was wonderful!" Collin said
    I looked at Shrig and saw that his facial expression had changed after Collin said that.
    "I'm going to go use the restroom, be right back!" He said cheerfully before rushing off
    I wondered if he was ok but I didn't want to intrude on his privacy
(Shrignold pov🔥🔥)
    I closed the door behind me and started freaking out. My mind flashed to last night
    "Im never going to forget this" one of them said
    I sat on the floor again, tears rolling down my face. I couldn't think about anything other than that.
    I balled up in a corner and just cried until it felt I had no more tears to cry. I stood up weakly, still in pain, and looked in the mirror. My eyes look extremely red so I had to wait until they went back to normal before I could leave
    Eventually they did after I rubbed some cool water around them. I put on a happy face and walked out, ready to join Larry again.
    When I came back out everyone was at the dinner table 'was I really in there that long?!' I asked myself. I sat down hoping no one would say anything
    "Where were you?" Steve asked
    "Doing stuff" I replied
    "Like what?" Paige asked
    "I don't know, just stuff" I responded
    " way to be helpful Shrig" Tony said sarcastically
    I didn't feel like eating since I'd had the bagel earlier so I cleaned up my plate and went up to my room.
    I decided I would try and draw again since it had been a long time. Malcom always said we have no time for such frivolous things, but I don't really care anymore.
    I was about as good as I was before I had stopped which I was thankful for. I just drew some eyes and faces around the page not paying much attention as too what I drew
   Just sort of spacing out and letting my hand take control. It wasn't until I had spaced back in that I realized my hand had drew Larry. A lot. Of Larry. 'What the-?' I had questioned myself. I was tempted to throw it away but, I kinda liked how it looked so I hid it behind one of Malcom's books.
    I looked outside and saw the sun beginning to rise 'was I really drawing for that long?' I questioned before I decided to head to bed and sleep.

Word count: 1669

[I hope you guys liked this chapter! The next one will lead more into angst a slight chance of Larry finding out I'm not too sure yet. Hope you all are having a good day! Next chapter might be out by the end of today or tomorrow, not sure yet]

Love Cult (Shrignold angst + lampnold) [DISCONTINUED]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora