Chapter 20

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Shrig pov
'What the fuck is wrong with me' I thought to myself. Larry hates me now, all I do is hurt people, but if I still said I loved him something worse would've happened
I looked to the side, seeing the mutilated body of Larry, with 'you did this' written on the wall in blood.
If I distance myself from everyone, I can't get them killed. I only ever leave my room to go to the bathroom, or go to meetings. I've stopped eating entirely too. I don't need any food, I'm much too fat already.
I knew I would have to leave eventually, but I think I'll postpone that as long as possible. I layed back on my bed to think again
'I wonder what Larry's doing?' I asked myself 'no, you can't talk to him ever again, I said as I looked at his body, flies starting to swarm around it. I'm not sure if I'm going insane or if it's really there, but it's not like I can ask anyone else.
I decided I would sleep so my thoughts would stop, I know id have another nightmare, but that's better then staring at his body all day

    I woke on the floor, the cold stone floor. Based on my previous dreams I could deduct that I was in the basement once more. I've been too scared to check if we actually have a basement, I'll have to check if we do actually have one soon
I opened the door in front of me cautiously, expecting to see a horrific sight
Instead of everyone dead, it was just Larry. Standing there, manacingly (hehe SpongeBob reference)
"You did this" he said, as one of his arms snapped out of place, his arm completly dislocated from the shoulder socket, blood feel from his arm.
"You are the root of everything wrong in my life" he said, blood pouring out of his mouth
"You're such a fuck up" his other arm was completely torn off
"Just kill yourself" he said as his leg snapped in half
"No one would cry" his other leg snapped into an unnatural position
"I would celebrate, I'm sure everyone else would too" he told me
"Do it." He said repeatedly
"How?" I asked him
Before Larry could respond a knife appeared in front of him, it had an antler handle, i'm not too sure what animal it was from.
I picked it up, my hand shaking slightly
"Too selfish to save everyone else's lives at the exspensive of your worthless one?" Larry sneered behind me
I didn't respond and went to feeling the edge of the knife, it was extremely sharp. I ran my finger along it and watched the blood gush out
I knew what I had to do. I took a deep breath before plunging the knife into my stomach, as I had done before. I ripped the knife out before plunging it into my chest this time, trying to ensure a quicker death
"Trying to put yourself out of your misery faster? Such a shame, your soul deserves the pain, not a quick death" Larry told me
I did as he said and left the knife in my chest wound, plugging the bleeding. I did deserve to suffer, dying that fast would be too nice.
I couldn't stay on my feet any longer and plummeted toward the ground. The fall felt like it took ages before I painfully landed on the ground.
Tears were rolling down my face from the pain
"Awww poor little baby can't handle the pain?" Larry teased at me
I know I deserve every second of this pain so I'm not too sure why I'm crying, it's not like I'm fixing anything
Crimson red blood pooled around my body, seeping into my jeans and hoodie. I felt my vision get fuzzy and it took more effort to keep my eyes open with every passing second
"I-I love you Larry" I managed to choke out, but when I looked back I saw his body in the ground. One of his arms missing, and his other limbs horribly disfigured proving it was the same Larry as before
This was all my fault. If I hadn't exsisted Larry would still be here. I drew my final shaky breathe before waking up in my bed
My breathing was fast, it felt like I was hyperventilating. I slowly calmed down and moved my hands to my stomach. I couldn't feel anything but when I looked it was extremely bloody, with more gushing out every passing second.
I couldn't feel the blood on me, let alone a wound for the blood to come from. 'Am I going insane?' I thought to myself as I noticed my hoodie was stained red, but it felt normal to my hands.
I decided I would disregard it, as I was in no pain nor was I feeling light headed from blood loss. 'Maybe it's just my imagination?' I asked myself as I picked up my phone
The time read 7:22 am, I had just slept for nearly 24 hours.'what is wrong with me?' I asked myself, searching for any answer as to how I could have slept so long
The meeting was at 8 today so I had to get ready and leave soon. I left my bed and went to pick out a different hoodie, I decided wearing the same jeans would be fine. I fixed my hair to cover my scars and descended the stairs
As I reached the bottom step I noticed larry sitting on the couch
"Hey larry" I said to him, regretting it as I saw his body next to him on the couch, this time his lower jaw was completely missing.
I looked away from the horror as soon as possible, not bothering to pay attention to see if larry had responded before rushing out the door
I began the trek to the meeting, it was a chilly morning so I wished I had worn a thicker hoodie, but I'll survive. I continued walking, making note of anything that looked cool, and before I knew it I was here
I walked inside the doors and found my seat. I had once more recruited no one and was nervous to tell Malcom I hadn't
Then again, anything he decides to do to me, I deserve. My thoughts were interrupted as I heard Malcom call my name
"Zero" I told him
"Come see me after" her response before continuing on the names
I wasn't nervous as to what would happen anymore. Thinking felt like too much of an effort right now.
The meeting ended rather quickly today, so I went to go find Malcom
"Follow me" he told me, walking off into the back rooms (backrooms reference)
I nodded to show I understood as he led me to a room I'd never been in
He opened the door and I walked in, him following closely behind
"We're going to try something different today, since our other methods clearly aren't working" he told me
"O-okay" I responded shakily
"I'll cut straight to the chase- you need to stab your eye" he told me
"W-what??" I asked, confused
"Stab your eye, with a knife. Just enough to blind you, not too much that doctors have to remove it" he responded
"How will this help me recruit others?" I asked him
"It won't, but it will help you stop looking at other men, and having 'gay' thoughts" he said
"I-i guess" I agreed with him
"Great! Since we're in the same page I'll go fetch you the knife" he said before leaving the room
'What eye should I do?' I thought to myself before remembering I had slightly worse vision in my left eye, so I figured that one would suffice
He walked back in holding a knife. It was the exact same one from my dream. It had the antler handle, and the same slight chipping on the edge
I shivered as I thought of just killing myself right then and there. 'I can't I told myself 'wuss' another part of me said
Malcom handed me the knife and awaited for me to stab my eye
I shakily moved the knife closer to my eye. I took a shallow breathe before shoving about an inch of the knife into my eye. I wanted to scream out in pain but my voice wouldn't work.
"Let's get that bandaged up" he said as doctors came into the room
I didn't pay any attention as to what was happening, I just sat there patiently waiting for them to be done
They put the bandage over my eye and told me I'd have to wait here a few hours for it to heal enough to take off the bandage then I could go home
I sat in the corner of the room and waited, I let my thoughts consume me as I wondered if I would lose sight conpletly in the eye, or how idiotic I'd look.
Maybe my eye would turn gray like in the movies, or maybe it would just have a scar over the blue coloring. The anticipation to see was killing me
Before I knew it the doctors came back in and said I could leave. It was nighttime now, I was there roughly 12 hours while it healed just enough to take off the bandage
A love cult member told me my cover story was that I must've scratched my eye in my sleep and I just woke up like this
I hoped Larry wasn't paying much attention this morning or else he'd call my bluff, but I don't think he cares about me enough anymore to ask about it.
    I did as I had done many times before and stopped at the same gas station to see my reflection. I closed my eyes as I walked in to not spoil the surprise. I opened both eyes and saw that it had turned gray
    I looked like I had heterochromia,my right eye was a rich blue color and my left was simply gray. As my eye hadn't healed completely the cut in my eye was still mildly visible, but the doctors and told me in a few days it would be a small scar.
    I tested if I still had my sight by closing my right eye, and the world went completely black. So I was completely blind in one eye now. And I had begun to notice that I couldn't see things directly to my left, like the soap dispenser.
    This was going to be really annoying and the others would no doubt mention it. Not gonna lie, I thought I looked rather snazzy with the gray eye. The only side effect would be limited vision, I would also never be able to drive a car, but that's fine by me.
     I exited the store and continued my walk home, which was only about 5 minutes. I reached the door and turned the handle. When I walked inside I saw everyone sitting at the dinner table
    "Hi guys" I said
    "Hey Shrig!" Collin said cheerfully
    "Hi!" Paige shouted
    Larry didn't say a word and wouldn't even look in my direction. This broke me a little bit, but I couldn't let it show right now
    "What's up with your eye?" Tony pointed out
    "Oh yea its gray" Paige said
    "Yea I think I poked it while I was sleeping, I just woke up like this haha" I said trying to make it sounds as convincing as possible
    "Can you see??" Collin asked concerned
    "Yea, it's just a little blurry, but my left eye always has been a bit off" i lied
    "Oh... well I'm glad your ok!" Paige said cheerfully
    "Would you like to join us for dinner, I can get you a plate" Steve asked
    "Nah I ate at the meeting, thanks though" I lied once more
    "I'm pretty tired so I'll be in my room if any of you need me" I said before ascending the stairs
    I was lying I wasn't tired. I was exhausted. I felt like I was going to pass out while talking to them. I slowly shambled over to my bed and collapsed face first, which was a bad idea as a sharp pain went through my eye. I winced and turned over to my back. I had to be more careful not to hurt it again.
    I closed both of my eyes and swiftly fell asleep, having the same nightmare as earlier

Word count: 2067

[in order to make up for the lack of chapters I made this one longer then normal! I hope you all enjoyed it and if there are any grammar mistakes feel free to tell me! I hope everyone reading has a wonderful rest of their day]

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