Chapter 16

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Shrignold pov:
"Wake up Larry and Shrig" I heard Tony say
"Morning" I said groggily
"Can you wake up sleeping beauty over there?" Tony asked
"Yea no problem" I told him as he was leaving
I figured the best way would to peck him on the lips, if that didn't work I would just put water on him. I leaned down and kissed, and he did wake up
"Morning!" I told him
"So are you ok with kissing now?" Larry asked
"Yea, I just needed a bit" I told him
"Good" Larry replied mischievously before leaning in to kiss me
Before I could even process what was happening, Larry had snuck his tongue into mine, and we were full on French kissing. I was a bit appalled by his speed, but returned the favor back, by sticking my tongue into his mouth
We were kissing for I don't even know how long, but it felt amazing, I felt so alive. I heard a buzz on my nightstand, but ignored it, this was all that mattered right now.
After a while Larry did pull away.
"That was amazing" Larry said
"I know! We should do it more often" I told him
"Agreed" Larry grinned
I remembered my phone had buzzed so I went to look at it. It was an email from Malcom, he wanted to have a cult meeting today, in about an hour
I felt my facial expression change and Larry noticed it too
"What's wrong?" Larry asked me
"Malcom wants to have a meeting today in an hour" I told him
"You can't go to that! Tell him your sick or something pleaseee" Larry pleaded
"I can't, he'll see right through it, I'll be ok though! I promise" I told him
"What if we made an emoji code, a cowboy emoji means in fine, eye roll means he asked me to stay later for reasons, and the uwu emoji means I'm probably In danger, and the dizzy emoji means call the police asap" I told him
"Ok, I guess that works, where are you meeting? So I can give the cops your location if needed" he asked
"This abounded church at the corner of 2nd and 3rd street" I told him
"Ok, thanks, now I'll leave so that you can get ready to leave" he said, walking out the door
Once he left I broke my happy face, I was panicking, a lot. I couldn't actually tell him if I was in danger, that would just put him in more danger then me. I could feel my breathing quicken, I couldn't even know what Malcom was going to do, would he preform the lobotomy, would he kill me? I shivered at the thought
I slowed my breathing and tried to collect my thoughts, I figured I wouldn't let my anxiety consume me right now. I changed pretty quickly before realizing I had to leave right now if I wanted to make it in time
"Bye Larry!" I yelled, while I was opening the main door
"Be safe!" He shouted back
I started the long walk to the church, my anxiety getting worse and worse every step I took. By the time I made it there, I felt like I would explode
I took my seat and waited for Malcom to come in the room
"You may all be wondering why I called you all here on such late notice" Malcom's voice boomed as he entered the room
"I believe I have found everyone's special someone's" Malcom said
"I will call your name, and you will stand beside me, that is when I will give you the name of your special one" he told us
Everyone around me seemed super excited, I hate to admit it, but I was curious who Malcom would assign to be my special someone. Malcom called down every single member one at a time, as they returned to their seats everyone else would cheer. I waited impatiently for my name
"Shrignold" I heard Malcom say
I made my way up to Malcom, almost shaking with nervousness
"You have no special one, because no one could ever love a disappointment like you, your fat, ugly, annoying, and worst of all, a faggot" Malcom yelled out so the entire crowd could hear
"He's right!" A random cultist yelled from the crowd
"He's impossible to love" another cried out
"I can't believe he's gay, that's so gross" I heard Ben say
"You are to keep coming to these meetings, after each one we will attempt to fix you, we can't have another favor on our hands" Malcom said
"O-ok" I said before going back to my seat
I stayed in the verge of tears the entire rest of the meeting 'maybe he's right' 'no one can ever live me' 'in a disappointment' 'a fat fucking disappointment'
The meeting had ended and I texted Larry I was on my way home so he wouldn't worry
'What if I just never go home, what if I die?' 'No one would care' 'not Larry, I'm probably just a nuisance to him' 'no one would care, Tony hates me, Collin hates me, Paige barely tolerates me, Tracey thinks I've gone insane' I told myself
'I could dig my knife out of the trash and end it' 'it would be so easy'
Is made it to the house and I twisted the handle open. As predicted, no one was there, not even Larry
I made my way up to my room and opened the door, I hoped Larry would be there, but once more, he wasn't
I searched the entire house and couldn't find anyone. No one was here. It was chilling, usually someone is here, Fred or Steve, but it was completely empty
I started panicking, what if Malcom took them? What if they finally realized I'm worthless and left?
I brought my phone out and asked Larry where he is
'The basement.' He responded vaguely
I made my way down the stairs, I'd never been in the basement before. It was creepy. I opened the door, it groaned. The sight in front of me made my heart drop
Every single person was dead, their guts brutally ripped out of the chest cavities. Blood everywhere. On the wall "this is what happens if you live" was written in blood
I ran over to Larry
"P-please wake up" I pleaded
"T-this is all your fault" he choked out before going limp
I started crying, screaming that this can't be happening, what did I do to make this happen, was it just my mere existence?
I heard a door freak open off to the side. I went through it, hoping to find an answer to the sight behind me
I walked into the smaller room, seeing a pedestal, with a knife on it. The words "do it" written in blood on the wall behind it
I knew what I had to do, maybe it would somehow fix everything. I picked up the knife, feeling the edge along my fingertips before lunging it into my stomach
I fell to the ground, feeling my blood pool around me. It was weirdly comforting, as I slowly started to lose consciousness and black out. I knew it was the end, and in my final moments I whispered "I'm sorry" before I blacked out
I woke up in the side of the road. I couldn't tell what was reality anymore. That dream had felt so real. But if I'm here now I'm sure it had to have been a dream. I stood up, realizing it was late
    I checked my phone to see 30 texts from Larry. He kept asking if I was ok so I texted him back
    "Yea I'm fine! I took a shortcut home and got lost, I'll be home soon tho" I texted him
    I'm still not sure what that dream was, the pain in my chest felt so real, and still does. I feel like I've been stabbed in the chest, but I'm not bleeding.
    'What is wrong with me' I thought just before I entered the house
    "There you are!" Larry said before running over to me
    "I thought Malcom might have gotten you" he said concerned
    "Yea, I just tried a new way home and got lost, not sure why I didn't check my phone!" I chuckled
    "I'm pretty tired so I'm gonna go sleep, goodnight guys!" I said before heading to my room
    I heard Larry follow me upstairs, I figured he would do it was fine. As I entered my room I heard him speak
    "Your lying, why were you late?" He said
    "I'm not lying, what are you talking about?" I said
    "You always do that nervous chuckle when you lie" he pointed out
    "Ok fine, I just fell asleep on the Sid eoc the road, I'm not sure why" I told him
    "Why would you lie about that?" He asked
    "I had a dream where something bad happened so I guess I was still nervous" I told him
    "What happened?" He asked
    "All of you were dead" I said, leaving out the killing myself part
    "We're alright though! That does sound like a pretty bad dream though" he said
    "Yea, I'm gonna head to bed now" I told him
    Larry hugged me goodnight, the pain in my chest worsening as he put pressure on it
    "Goodnight!" I said calmly
    Larry left and I got on my bed, I wasn't tired at all but I didn't want to socialize right now. I stared at the ceiling, a thousand thoughts running through my head. Before I eventually fell asleep a few hours later

Word count: 1654

[hope everyone enjoyed today chapter! I'm very extremely sleep deprived so I'm just letting my brain do whatever wacky ideas lol into my head. I hope everyone has a wonderful rest of their day!]

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