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Entering the car, the two closed the doors in sync with each other. Disregarding the seatbelts.

Dave started up the car, it made a soft purr. Kurt is already hands in the plastic bag.

"Oo! Chips!" Kurt beamed happily as he takes the bag of chips out of the plastic bag.

"Oh shit, I totally forgot about those! I bought those last night. And then totally forgot about that." Dave replied with a short chuckle as he drives the car in reverse out of the parking spot.

Kurt opened the bag of chips and began munching. "I haven't ate in a day or so." He admitted.

Dave slammed on the break which made the car halt. It halted in the parking lot.

The brown-eyed male stared at Kurt. "You haven't ate, anything?" He asks, worry in his tone.

Kurt shakes his head 'no' as he shoved another potato chip in his mouth. Making a dramatic crunch with his teeth as he chewed and swallowed.

"Nope." He responded once he finished his bite-ful of the salted snack.

"Well, do you want to stop by a pizza place? Is there one around here?" Dave asks.

Kurt lowered the bag and nodded. Pointing his finger forward. "yeah! You just go forward a few blocks and it should pull up in your view." He explained.

"Gotcha. Well then, let's have pizza for.." Dave glanced at the clock on his radio. It read 10AM.

He stated.

Kurt shrugged his shoulders. "Haven't had pizza in awhile. At the house in Seattle all I got is those am/pm hamburgers."

Dave chuckled as he started to drive again. Out of the parking lot and onto the actual streets.

"Remember that deal that I got three corndogs for $3?" Dave joked. Kurt laughed as he nodded. "Yeah!"

"And you lived off those for a fucking year, Dave. God damn, breakfast, lunch, and dinner." Kurt giggled.

He crinkled the chip bag and placed it back into the plastic grocery bag and placed it in the back.

He gasped. "Booze?! Ooooh!" Kurt beamed as he shifted, reaching his arm out for a bottle.

"Was Dave drinking and driving?!" Kurt teased. Dave groaned as the car reached a stoplight. He halted the car.

"Well, I drank a little. Not much. Just get buzzed." Dave chuckled with a attractive smile resting on his face.

Kurt halted his hand. He pulled back and suddenly.. didn't crave it. Which is is odd to him.

He shakes his head. Sitting back properly in the passenger. Dave chuckled.

"Not gonna drink yet?" Dave teased.

Kurt giggled, shaking his head. "I'm trusting my gut. I have no food in my system and if I straight up drink right now, puke will be all over the damn car."

Dave nods. "yeah, that's actually great advice. Especially if you haven't had anything in a day or so.."

"Yeah." Kurt agreed.

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