Life-changing decision

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Roseanne Wren

"You are home early." I flinched as my husband came from behind and locked the door.

"What's wrong?" 

"Where are you coming from?" He said as he made his way towards me and sat on the couch beside me.

"What's up with this file?" He said while taking the report from the coffee table.

"You are coming from a doctor's visit. What the he-" he said after reading a few lines and then scanning the whole report from up to down when his eyes suddenly caught mine.

"How did this happen?" He whispered still looking at me steadily.

"I-I don't know." I whispered holding back my tears.

"9 months, that's it." I slowly nodded while looking down.

"We were just about to start our lives." He said as I looked at him not knowing what to do.

After a long silence, he got up and straightly went to his bedroom.

I also walked to my room and changed my clothes. I didn't wanted to think about this. 

I jumped on my bed and tried to sleep but I couldn't, Steve didn't show up the whole time making me bothered. 

I wanted to wake up and make sure that it's just a bad dream.

(Time- 3:00)

I stayed awake for the whole night, of course I couldn't sleep because of the continuous thoughts running in my mind.

I slipped off my bed and opened the door witnessing Steve in the living room looking at my reports determined. 

My heart ached looking at him as I walked to him slowly and prepared myself internally to tell him everything's gonna be alright.

But as soon as he saw me, the only words I heard, 

"I want a divorce."

I was stunned at my spot. My eyes intensively locked on his while he looked at me with no emotions.

"I have contacted my lawyer, he will proceed with the formalities and we will be free from this marriage in 4 days. "

"And the money will be sent to your account which you spent investing in this house within 1 week. I hope you are happy now."

Happy? He expected me to be happy when my husband is giving a divorce to me instead of love and care which I craved for from the very starting and now to be exact. 

I searched that one little thing in his eyes, but.....

Regret, was all I could find instead of what I searched for. 

Am I not even capable of some good memories before I die.

"Trust me Rose, I wanted to spend my whole life happily with you. You, me and our children but this- this is insane. I have my whole life ahead of me and I can't risk it into some disease of yours."

My heart shattered into pieces as I couldn't hear his words anymore. 

The little sparkle of hope which was there in my heart was lost and darkness had taken the spot.

"I searched a lot about CAD, it takes a lot of care to be given to the patient and-"

"Sleep." I cut him off as I didn't wanted the sentence to finish.

Steve looked at me emotionless and left me alone there standing. 

I closed my eyes for a while and walked towards the large french window. 

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