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"Jungkook wake up you have a class to attend. "  Jimin said while getting ready.
" Nn.. oo, i am n..not go...ing t...today" jungkook says taking his comforter. Well nothings new in this 2 weeks jimin came to about him that he don't like crowded places so he avoid them. In these 2 weeks he barely attended college 5 days. Jungkook don't like going to college and thats for sure.
"Kook plz today we are going to book store to buy some course related books and you are coming with me." Jimin says while eyeing him. Jimin wants to make kook confident he have other friends to take them with him but he wants to make jungkook confident. "W. W. hat, n. o pplz" Jungkook starts panicking. Jimin seeing this starts to blackmail him saying
"I always take care of you helps you in your homework takes to you yet you can't even come with me to bookstore how can you be this selfish." Well Jungkook being Jungkook take his speech seriously and start feeling guilty. Its not like Jungkook ask jimin to take to him he only speak 2 to 3 words its just jimin has a big mouth. Jungkook starts  gets up. On seeing his plan pass jimin did a little dance.


After attending the college they were planing to go to bookstore when a car came in full speed towards them and applied brake just in time scaring them to death.
"I am so sorry boys i weren't watching. " yoongi said putting his side of glass down. Jimin after recovering from there nearly death launched towards the owner and starts fighting. Yeah i know boys like you who don't know how to drive and they like to showoff. " Jimin said scrunching his nose and kook being scared starts to push him away. How can you say such thing i have been driving for 8 years know." Yoongi seeing jimin scrunch his nose stops himself from cooing and said.

"Yet you don't know how to drive and i take 2 weeks to learn driving." Jimin days feeling proud.
"What shall i do with this piece of information." Yoongi sassed
"You should feel shamed that you are becoming grandpa and you don't know how to drive. "Jimin double sassed." And i how is like your son knows who to drive.!!!  How embarrassing ."
It take time for yoongi to recover from a shock till then jungkook was successful in dragging jimin with him and they leave.


"Hahahahahahaha. Are you saying someone just father zoned you." Tae said while laughing. " Yeah stop laughing will you."  Yoongi said getting angry.
He just made a tiny mistake and that is he told todays whole scene to his friend who is know laughing at him." Do i look like a grandpa, he called me grandpa. How rude." Yoongi said getting irritated
" Ask your boy who is like your son. Pfffttttthahahhaha." Tae said stopping himself from laughing.

"Shut up!!!!!."

"Ok ok know tell me why you came here is it something serious. "Tea said becoming serious."  Yah bipolar."  Yoongi told. " be serious or I'll throw you out of my office."

And they start discussing about their work silently.


"Kook i have one last work in this company my brother sent me to take them from here. Will you accompany me plz." jimin said making aego face. " Ppl.. z i.i wa.. nna g.go back."  Kook said. "Just this once I'll be very quick."
"O.. ok." Kook said not having any choice.


Taehyung after having a meeting was in front of the coffee machine to have one glass when his phone rings.
"Yes denial." Tae asks
"Sir grandma is coming to hospital tomorrow."
" Ooo when. Time!!!"

4 years ago his grandma got a kidney problem and she came to Seoul for check up. It goes well but taehyung have to threaten the doctor to make an appointment for her every year so he can meet her. So now is the day.

"Tomorrow evening sir." Denial told him

"Make my schedule empty for evening." Tae ordered

"As you say. Sir" denial says

"Aand i got a news that someone trespass your office and is currently in your office."
Denial said getting nervous.

" WHAT." Tae starts getting angry.

"Who dares."  He thought

He starts going towards his room getting angry who ever dares really have guts to mess with me. He thought.
Opening his office room he had expected his every enemy in there but not a little boy with curious eyes looking inside his room. Sensing an other presence he looks at the man infront of him who looks angry.

Not kook's fault when he came in the company he saw so many paintings and with curious eyes he told jimin that he will be watching this till his work is done looking here and there at every painting he reached taes room and he haven't seen this beautiful room ever. But now he is panicking because this man infront of him is looking at him like he did unforgettable sin. Its first time he have done what his heart desires and look where it takes him. Kook is scolding himself.

"Who are you!!!!! And how did you get in here." Tae said angryly.

" Ii.. iiii y.y.y ou.."  kook stuttered getting scared.
" Y. Y. Y.... es y.y.y.. ou." Tae mimicks kook.

" Iii. W.w.as l.l.ooking at p.p.. ictures." Kook said.
" Which pictures." tae asked thinking about taking pictures fron his room.

"I. I. I." kook once again stutters he doesn't know where he has got himself into.

"Well you are taking soo much time to speak if you go on like this  we have to spend the whole night in this office." Tae says in his cold voice. Hearing tae jungkooks big eyes get more bigger.
Seeing jungkook big eyes he says. "ok fine half the night." 

"Iii.. i."  kook again tried to speak

"You are not going to tell me like this. I am going to hand you over to the police."

" Ppp.. pol...lice." kook asked scared.

" Yes police the way you are speaking i have to involve police in this." Tae asked unfased

" Nn. No i ww.. will tel.ll y.. you."  Kook says

" Than speak darling." Tae asked sitting on his couch.

Hearing darling kook starts to blush. Seeing kooks blushing face like they are some lovers. That tae starts to think that he have told him the romantic story of romeo juliet.

"I cc..ame tt..o take the ppp..ictt..ure from com...mpany with..." Kook stutters

" Which pictures." tae growled.

Kook was already scared and hearing him he lost his Consciousness.

He take kook bridal style and says you are not going to get away from here without answering my question. You are going to be my guest and kim Taehyung knows how to take care of his guests.

Thanks for reading 😊

Stay healthy and happy,

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