Chapter 15: Lost and Found

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Kehlani's P.O.V

We made it back to the house and I was pacing back and forth worrying about my baby. Is she scared? Is 7 hurting her? What if she's crying for me? My head is all over the place. Everyone was in the living room waiting for 7's call. My ringtone went off with a unknown number. I answered it immediately and put the phone on speaker. Everyone surrounded the phone for the next response. " 7, you playing a dangerous game here, bring me back my child you bi..." " mommy?" My heart sank to my stomach when I heard her little voice. My voice cracked while I'm trying to hold it together. " hey baby, are you okay?" " yeah, auntie 7 brought me some McDonald's and now she has me in her room. But mommy?" " yeah baby?" " I wanna come home, to mommy Rae house." Mommy Rae? I looked up at sharae and she had tears in her eyes and walked away before noticed she was about to cry. " you'll be home soon okay. Is auntie 7 there with you." " no she went to take a shower with two girls" oh my god so you mean to tell me you're basically having sex around my child, I don't even do that shit and she's my fucking child! " how did you get the phone baby?" " I snuck it in here while she was sleeping with a bottle in her hand" " okay I want you to do something for me baby, I'm about to share my location to this number, when you get to notification share your location back with me, so I can come get you, okay?" " okay mommy" " and do not tell auntie 7 about the phone or that I am coming to get you" I shared my location and she shared it back. Seems like they are at her old apartment that me and her once shared. I told everyone to hop in the van and let's ride out. Sharae told her parents to stay back while me, my mom, sharae and destin went to get adeya.


While we on our way up there, my heart felt heavy, the only hope that I had was still hearing Dey's voice over the phone. I told her don't say anything and do not hang up. She will check in once or twice. We finally got there and yeah this the right place. Memories of 7 and I came back to me. My mom cocked her gun back and sharae did the same. My only job was to run in to get my baby and run out. Destin was the driver so he's going to stay in the car. Sharae knocked down the door. "Yo! Anybody home!" Sharae yelled out. 7 runs down the stairs with a towel and a smirk. My mom and sharae pointed they AR at 7 and one of the girls that adeya said she was with. I went to the back area downstairs to one of the room and saw adeya watching tv. I put my finger over my mouth to let her know she needs to stay quiet. We quickly and quietly got her out of the house by the back door. I ran around the front to bring her to the van, destin put her in the back and told her to cover her ears and sing her ABCs out loud. " A B C D E F G..." I got out the car and went towards the entrance way of the door, pissed the fuck off. The two girls that was with 7 was already on the ground bleeding out. I grabbed my mamas gun and pistol whipped the fuck out of 7. She groaned in pain while she was going down to the floor. " you think you could've just take my child!" I kicked her in the gut. " THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU" Kick! " Answer me bitch!!" Kick!! "You know, adeya is very very sweet girl" she licked her fingers " Did you rape my child?!" "Mhmm and it was good too, same way I used to do you,remember?" she laughs deviously. My finger was on the trigger and I blast that bitch off bout 8 times. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head leaving her dead body on the floor to rot. We all walked out the house. I went the shed and grabbed 2 jugs of gasoline and poured it around the bodies and entrance. I still had an old lighter that 7 gave me. I lit it and let it hit the ground. The house was in flames once we drove out the lot. I turned my attention to adeya. " we need to go to the hospital okay. So we can make sure nothing is wrong" she hugged me tightly. " I love you mommy" " I love you too baby"

Unknown P.O.V
Sharae thinks she just gone leave me, become successful, date Kehlani and leave her wife behind. I don't think so, I will be in LA sooner than she thinks.

I know it's a short chapter y'all, don't kill me lol I will be uploading more soon. Between school and personal life, I really haven't had the time. I'm sorry y'all and be on the lookout for another chapter of stages as well

Love y'all
- Sharae 💕🫶🏼

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