Chp 4

108 3 0

Stanley's pov>>>

I stepped into the company with Skye and Ward on my both sides. Let's just pray that our new boss will turn out to be good. We exchanged glances once and started on our offices. We all have separate offices because we are in the senior batch. But the juniors have to work in a crowded place in the same big room. 

I went into my office and took my seat. I checked the regular e-mails and then I remembered that we have to ask our new boss if he knows about the project that we are working on. 

I informed Skye and ward about this and headed towards Mr. Adams' office. We knocked but didn't get a reply. We knocked again and then a voice came from behind us.

"I'm here." 

I three spun around like we had been taught to go round in circles and bowed down to him in unison.

"I don't know what you're here for," he continued in his raspy voice, his ocean blue eyes peering into each one of our souls, "but if you ever want to meet me, first you have to consult my P.A. about when you can have a talk with me. Didn't know that I've to teach the seniors disposition."

And he walked pass us and entered into his office while his P.A. stayed behind to talk with us. 

"So, what brings all you guys here?" She asked. We looked t Skye so she would reply. Girl should always be talking to a girl because me and Ward are very bad at it.

"We were working on a project under the former boss, now we need a permission from Mr. Adams to continue it and also we will discuss the project again with him. He might want to change something." 

"Okay, I will ask hi right now, please wait for a moment." She smiled warmly and went inside the office. As soon as she was out of sight we 3 looked at each other with the same disgusted facial expressions. "He will teach manners to us?" Ward pulled up his sleeve while mumbling under his breath. We just scoffed in response, agreeing.

After a moment or two, she came out. "He asked you guys inside, please come." We followed her inside. Mr. Adams was sitting in his office chair and looking at some files. "Sir, I brought them." His P.A. said as he looked up to us. "Great. Start with the discussion." We three stumbled at first and my eyes widened when both my best friends were looking at me, indicating me to start. I looked back at my boss and cleared my throat. Then I started.

"Good morning sir, I am Stanley Harper Caldwell, this is Skye Johansson and this is Grant Ward Sydney Higginbottom."

"Grant Ward and what?" His face turned scrunchy and I was ready to laugh at it but I controlled myself and replied. "Sydney Higginbottom." I took a quick glance at Ward in order to see his 'so done' face. "So since we are a company for the enhancement of the city we have thought of a spot of sight-seeing, man made. So, there will be a tunnel which will lead to a base where we will decorate a nice waterfall-" 

I was interrupted. By a phone call. Of our boss. And when it was the music of the song ,'perfect' we of course understood who it was. 

"Shit." I mumbled

"Shit." Ward mumbled.

"Shit." Skye mumbled.

Great. Now we are going to encounter a lovey dovey conversation. I thought. Mr.  Adams picked up the call. "Clare, I am busy right now, talk to you later." And he kept the call. We 3 remain standing like a statue. I-Is this really happening? MATTHEW ADAMS HUNG UP A CALL WITH HIS GIRLFRIEND? I shouted in my mind and it went on echoing. 

"Will you not continue?" He asked me. "Y-yeah yeah, totally." And I continued. Skye continued a bit after me and then Ward after her. Mr. Adams seemed to have been impressed with the project and we got the permission to continue it. 

At lunch break~

"Did you notice that how Mr. Adams cut the call of his girlfriend?" Ward asked while snatching the sandwich from my box and helping his hunger. "I think you two were wrong about him. He is not too bad." Sky said as we both gave her a glare. "No way." and we again said it in unison looking at each other dumbly. 

"He is just being like this cause now he is the company head and of course he has to ignore his girlfriend a bit in order to take care of the company. This is so natural-" Ward was cut off by Skye. 

"hey guys look. Have you seen her before in the company?" We two turned our heads towards the direction she meant and saw a beautiful girl, with blonde hair, brown eyes, skinny figure, and short dress enter the company and straightly walk to the receptionist. And then at the next moment while clanking her 5 inches heel in the glass floor she went up to the lift while swinging her hips which I obviously found too gross. She was holding a box in her hand which probably was lunch for someone. 

"Yes, I know her." I said and turned toward my 2 best friends who were curiously looking at me. 

"How?," Ward asked, "she doesn't seem someone from the company." 

"No she isn't."

"Then how do you know her?" This time Skye asked. 

"She is the girlfriend of our new boss." They both stared at me blankly for a few moments then acted like nothing happened. "Mr. Adams has a good taste in girls." I did not agree to that answer.

Ward said instead, " We all have good taste in women, the problem is we aren't as much rich as Mr. Adams." That was a dumb answer but it carried a valid point except the fact that I am as gay as a maypole. I looked at Skye and noticed that she was trying to avoid that answer of Ward. 

"Ward~~~~~~~~" A voice, as squeaky as a mice passed through my ear and I turned around to see who called my best friend in such a cranky voice. And here comes and I know her too, Jennifer Rodriguez. 

Ward was nearly going to spill the water from his mouth on the table but he controlled himself but instead it resulted him to choke. He coughed hard and that girl, Jennifer, immediately came beside him and started to rub his back in order to calm him down. "Oh my god Ward, are you okay?" She said in that mouse like voice of hers. Once Ward calmed down, he replied, "Jenny, what are you doing here?" 

I looked at Skye and she mouthed me a 'Jenny' that Ward is calling his ex-step-sister, with a funny face while rolling her eyes upwards and it resulted me to chuckle but I knew that Skye can never handle Jennifer Rodriguez. 

"I came to see you." She said to him with a 'so concerned' face and then looked here and there. She spotted me and pushed me out of my chair. I stumbled and stood up while my face held an unreadable expression. I was seriously like, 'the hell miss?' She snatched my chair in one go and sat next to Ward and took out a tissue from her handbag and began wiping the food crumbs that were left on Ward's lips. But he pushed her hand off instead. 

"What are you doing? I don't need all this." He growled. "Oh, Ward, you need me, believe it or not, you need me in your life." Then her eyes flew towards Skye and she frowned while eyeing her up and down. Skye kept down the water bottle from her hand to the table because it as uncomfortable and awkward.

"Who is she? Your girlfriend or new step sister?" This time Skye choked and I made a disgusting face while still standing. "She looks awful though, can't be your girlfriend right? And baby, why do you need a girlfriend when you can have me?" With that she leaned and tried kissing Ward. But Ward was fast enough to push her. 

"Shut the hell up Jenny. That's my friend. And you don't get to talk shit about her. Now, leave this company and don't come here ever again." The girl hurriedly stood up. And most probably she must not know that Ward can never tolerate any shit about his parents or friend, means in less words, those who are close to him. "but I-" She started again but was interrupted by Ward. "And you know what? I'll make her as my girlfriend, that's better than having you." 

My head jerked towards Skye who was looking at Ward with her jaw dropped. and guess what, it must have a tremendous effect on the girl as she turned around and walked out scoffing and mumbling something. But I seriously doubt that she's done with Ward so soon, she might happen to come back in the future. Ward sat back and said, "don't take it seriously, it was just for the act." 

And my heart scrunched seeing how Skye's expectations crashed down in seconds...
Hey guys. Thanks for continuing to read. I promise to make some serious moments in Skye's birthday, so don't worry, it's going to be interesting. 

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