Chp 19

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Stanley's pov>>>

We were all at Skye's hospital room. There was an awkward silence working between us. I've never been this quiet around my best friends before. I know I'm not involved here. The awkwardness is because of Skye and Ward. I literally have no role in this. How I just want to talk to them. I want them to talk to each other and forget what happened and progress about being more careful in the future.

I think Ward just read my mind. He stopped playing with his hands and looked up to speak to Skye and break this temporary silence.

"Skye, I don't know if it's the best time, but I, uh.., you know,,, am kinda sorry for my past actions. Didn't mean to argue. My mind was just occupied with this slut. I didn't mean to,, you know."

I smiled and looked at Skye, who was smiling too.

"That's fine I guess. I'm sorry too. I should never have tried to hide those things from you when you should have known."

Finally, they agreed and it was my turn to talk.

"Thank God you guys did it. I was sulking on the corner alone. Anyways, not that this is done, what should we do next?"

"Is there anything to be done next?" Ward asked mimicking my next.

I gave him a fake smile.

"Yes, we will come up with a plan. I don't want you to become a criminal-"

"Or a murderer and end up in jail."

Skye finished for me.

"I won't be a murderer. But I'll teach her a good lesson. Gimme a chance."

"Not an option." Me and Skye said in unison with a sarcarstic smug smile.

"Okay," he raised his hands up in defeat, "so how's we make a plan?"

In between a nurse entered. "Ms. Johansson, are these your friends?"

She nodded and replied in the assertive.

"Don't they know Mr. Adams with whom you were riding with?"

Skye frowned and looked at us before replying, "they do."

"Oh, he was looking for someone named Stanley."

My ground from under my feet moved away. I took a glance at both of my friends' face, but they just shrugged their shoulders not knowing anything.

"Yeah, I'm Stanley. I'll be there."

"Great. His room number is 188."

She said and left us as I turned to talk to my friends again. I whisper yelled at them

"What the hell would he need with me?!"

They just shrugged. They don't know the experiences I had with Mr. Adams, so they take it just lightly.

"It's your boss Stanley. Maybe he wants to ask about me." I agreed to what Skye said. I picked up the courage and stood up.

"Stanley going in the battlefield." Ward called and I gave a sarcastic smile at him mumbling a 'thank you so much Ward' before heading to where I was headed. While I was going, I actually felt that I'm going to step my food on a battlefield.

But, nevermind.

I stood in front of the room which said 188 and took a deep breath. Maybe, it wasn't going to be that bad.

But, who knew that God had other plans for me.

I entered hesitantly but softly and smiled at my boss, lying down on the bed. He didn't seem to have anything on his face but his left hand was bandaged.

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