Chp 20

46 2 0

Skye's pov>>>

Next day~

"So did you put in concern about what I told you about?"

Ward was driving Skye back home from hospital in the morning. Her injuries were minor, so she got dispersed quickly. But, she can't go to work today. But, the doctor didn't deny. He said that she's stable and she can go to work but not take much stress. But it was Ward who would not let her go to work but take rest at her home.

"C'mon Skye. I don't know, okay?"

"But didn't you see?"


"How flushed his cheeks were?"

Skye said and giggled a little.

"Oh my god. W-why would our boss, who doesn't give a fuck about others, suddenly like Stanley?"

"It isn't sudden," Skye rolled her eyes and continued,"I doubt it's pretty much long wait."

"Yeah, you know what Skye? Expectations are meant to be made but not always to happen."

Skye threw a dangerous glare towards Ward who didn't even seem to care. As if she didn't know that the line is true. She always expected Ward to get the hint and understand that she likes him, but did it ever happen? She huffed and crossed her arms above her chest looking outside the window. Ward sighed after seeing her go silent,

"Okay, if you're so sure, we'd ask Stanley."

Skye looked at him with a smug smile.

"You bet."

"Fine, okay; and yeah, $10."

"Let's beat your ass then."

Stanley's pov>>>

I typed on the computer, aggressively. I was pressing each key so hard that I was afraid that it might break. But I didn't cared about it. I didn't even know what to think. Should I say yes? Or a no? Everything that happened last night with my boss kept flashing in front of my eyes. I just cannot get over it. And I guess, because of just my aggressive typing, the computer suddenly hanged up and went blank.

"Jesus Christ!"

I said in pure frustration and pushed my rolling chair a little away from my computer with my feet.

"Need help there?"

I immediately shot my head towards the door, where stood Matthew Adams, with his hands inside his pockets, picking his right cheek while looking at me like he will gulo me down.

"No thanks."

I said with a fake politeness and made sure to make it obvious.

"C'mon Stanley."

"No Matthew I'm fine."

You don't know what's going on right? Here, take this flashback.


Stanley remained quite after he had just heard the confession laid out by his boss. He wasn't sure if he was dreaming. He wanted to pinch himself but it will seem stupid.

"Atleast say something Stanley."

He pleaded. But I was lost of words. What should I say? That I like you too? I don't have the answer myself because I never thought like that! Now I'm stuck.

"I-I don't know."

Great. Now the whole system's gonna be complicated but I don't want any more complications.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

He asked with his deep husky voice. His bangs fell in front of his oceanic blue eyes. For the first time in my life I admired my boss.

"I'll think?"

It was more of a question than a statement.

"Okay. I'll give you 2 weeks."

"Excuse me?"

My tongue spat out.

"What? You asked me time for you to think?"

My eyes came together as a frown and I said in a sarcastic smile,

"You aren't supposed to decide that, I'll conder this fact, because I need the time."

"I don't care."

Was his simple, careless answer.

"What?" I was not getting what was he trying to imply here.

"I cannot give you more time than that.  It's been more than 2 years for me Stanley, how much do you think I can wait? If not I'd have to move on."

I stared at him blankly for a moment.


"And I want you to call me Matthew from now on when we are alone till this 2 weeks."

I nodded and I was getting ready to leave.

"But," he said which made Stanley look at him,"I must do something which will make you like me."

I couldn't even process his words before he held my hand pulled me on top of him and his lips met mine. My eyes widened. My boss was again kissing me. His lips felt more softer than the previous one. I didn't gave back or anything but I don't know why, I could feel blood rushing to my cheeks.

When he left me, he had a cheeky smile on his face but I was still blushing. I quickly pulled away from him, murmured a 'bye' and rushed out.

End of flashback ~

"I can help you fix it." Matthew said approaching me.

"Oh that's great. But I can do it myself too."

"Can you stop being such a rude ass Stanley? You might forget that I'm still your boss. Talk to me nicely or face the consequences. Which one do you want?"

I remained quiet and stared at him for a moment. The next moment, I got up and directed my chair for my boss to sit down. Matthew smiled.

"There's no need for that."

Matthew made me sit back down on his chair and dragged his chair in front of the computer. The next thing he did had my head go round the world.

He leaned over the computer from behind me. So much that if he'd move his face to me, we might end up kissing. His shirt was unbuttoned from the top 2 that made his shirt loose and I was able to see his chest which was way masculine. I could see his nipple?! Holy shit. I quickly directed my head to the computer. His necklace started dangling in front of my face as if trying to hyptonize me. God knows what is happening around me.
Not a very long chapter but hope you guys liked it👍🎇🎉🎉

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