Chp 13

50 1 0

Stanley's pov>>>

It's very cold today. I went down for breakfast and sat on my respective seat as my dad came minutes later and the maid served us food. While eating, my dad started,

"Stanley, how's work going?"

"It's good."

"I heard that your former boss' son is taking over?"

"Yeah.. it's already 1 week since that happened."

"Is he like his father?"

"He has some qualities that signify his dad, but not all of them. There's no second Mr. Adams."

"Hm, so you like him?"

I pulled up my head from my food to look at my dad. Like him? What is he trying to imply? My dad doesn't know that I'm gay.


"I mean, not romantically, as your boss."

"Oh," I exhaled with a large smile. Thank God. "Yeah, he's good."

And then everything was quiet again.

But that doesn't mean that his intention was finished, I knew he had something to talk to me just by looking at his expressions.

"Stanley," he said putting the fork down. I looked up to him while chewing the food in my mouth.

"I think it's time." He said looking at me with dead serious eyes. I still stared dumbly because I didn't get it of course. "For what, dad?"

"Your marriage." He retorted. The food in my throat stopped, I was near to choking but I managed. Marriage?

"I don't think I'm ready." I said chuckling nervously. This is the main problem of him not knowing that I'm gay.

"But I think you should be, now. You are old enough. After this age, no one would have interest in you. Think about it and I want you to find someone yourself. It's up to you but, son, the thing lacking is the time."

After some more bites of food in silence he asked,

"What's your type?" I was certainly not ready for this nefarious question from my father. I smiled awkwardly but tried my best not to be awkward and make it look simple.

"That's surreptitious." He chuckled to my weird answer but nevertheless didn't retort which I was grateful for.

He finished his breakfast and walked away with his dishes to place them in the sink leaving me dumbfounded.

This is wrong. This should not be happening. How do I tell him that I don't have interest in girls but in boys? I'm not afraid to tell him, what is afraid of him is his reaction. From my childhood, he always did what I wanted, never made me feel unwanted or ignored. Even after mom's death, when he was having trouble handling himself, he took care of me like nothing happened to him. But I knew that he was suffering a lot inside. After all this, if I make him unhappy? Because as far as I know, parents don't seem happy about LGBTQ. I'm stuck in the Indo-Pak border. And here, my boss likes me. He will probably forget everything today.

With this hope, I walked away from my house towards my office. I set off 15 minutes earlier because I've decided that I'd walk today. No bus or cab.

I was wrapped in my overcoat. The cold was too much today. This temperature has changed a lot in one night.

It is so cold that the leaves and tree branches have practically been frozen solid, crunchy whenever stepped on, but it's not a bitter-feeling cold. Instead, a crisp winter morning invites you to wrap up warm and come outside to be a part of it. It is a rejuvenating cold.

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