Chp 7

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Stanley's pov>>>

When I asked Lincoln where he's taking me, he didn't answer, and said that it was a surprise from him to me. Once we reached there, I glanced out of the window to notice that we've come to a rather higher place. A park located on one of the hills from where you can survey the whole of San Fransisco, as they say.

The park was luxuriant, abundant with rich greenery, displaying lifelessness, isolated and free of turmoil. Cold breeze dozed off, burning our skins in this winter, the city light shining brights and trees leaned backwards and forwards as if laughing out of humbleness.

I turned my gaze too Lincoln who was merely leaning against his car with his hands in his pockets. He was looking so intimidating as the light breeze shook his gentle and fluff hair backwards. The gentle smile at the end of his lips never died. Grasses leant over and I blushed. Thinking of me and him in the same, quiet and dark park, and this time at the night and the cold together had swept the park out of passengers.

He wasn't looking at me, which was a great appourtunity for me to study him. To know his ethics. I kept reading every note of his face as he was busy admiring the city life.

"Beautiful isn't it?" He asked and it took me a moment to realize that I was just supposed to answer. "Indeed it is." I said not taking my eyes off him, like it is not it that I know I'm staring at him. My eyes are just stuck at his immense beauty and I didn't realize that I answered his question while staring dumbly at him, and not even knowing what was meant to be beautiful.

He turned his head to me, a cheeky smile on his face as he laughed a little and looked right into my eyes. "I was talking about the scenery, not myself." I staggered, being caught, red-handed, of course I had to be.

I searched for words as my wrists caught the hem of my shirt in nervousness. I've never ever felt like this about a boy even though I am gay. It's new and embarrassing at the same time.

"It's okay," he was the ones to continue, "it's okay to feel a little, you know, this, what you are feeling. It happenes, nothing unusual."

It was great that he didn't furthur continue this awkward conversation and I was more than happy to not talk about it. Because, of course I'm the victim here. So, I just shook my thoughts away, ordered my eyes to be attracted to the beautiful and charming image of the city presented in front rather than one Lincoln Campbell who is nothing but a nut in the crack. Sorry, crack in the nut. So, I folded my legs and forced myself to sit down on the soft grass and surprisingly it was relaxing. So much, that I felt much comfortable to lean over my arms by putting them behind. I looked up to the glowing, bright stars.

Not much later, Lincoln joined me on my side. My heart burned this time. There was literally no space between us as we were sitting so close. My heart started beating faster and louder and I feared that Lincoln might hear my heartbeat because of this quiet atmosphere. But luckily, he didn't.

I glanced at him to find him already looking at me. I looked the other side, of course to hide the deeo redness in my cheeks. I could hear him chuckle and I blushed more. I brought my hands back and hugged my legs around myself. A little flow of uncomfortableness flowing through my skin. "Wait, are you uncomfortable?," he catched me, and continued, "it's okay, I'll move away." But I replied faster than I ever have.

"No!" I practically screamed. It's now a little unjust to say that you like a person and you are uncomfortable when they sit beside you. And I can't let Lincoln slip out of hands. He's already having such an effect on me, I wonder how will I keep up if this continues.

Now it was awkward. He, as said, didn't move but awkwardness was clearly written on his face. I was on the other hand, whetted about what's going to happen next and started thinking if we were just cronies or more than that. But then I realized that I might make a conversation so this feels easier. I looked towards him and spoke,

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