Bigger Person - Scarian (High-School Au)

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(Based on the song "Bigger Person" by Lauren Spencer Smith. Totally not me projecting all my problems onto Grian, noooo, noooooo. 👀)

Start of Senior year was tomorrow and Grian really didn't want to go, ever since 7th grade he got bullied so horribly and he didn't think it was going to be any different this year.

His mother had told him to just be hopeful, "I'm putting it out into the universe that those boys have matured and will leave you alone," She had said in the car that morning, while they were on their way to get school clothes.

"And if they don't?" He had asked her.

"Then I will march in there and your principle will get another earful from me," She said, Grian rolled his eyes, "I know you think its embarrassing-"

"Because it is," Grian said, his mother laughed.

"Yes yes, but if she continues to ignore you for the 6th year in a row...she'll be hearing it from me and your father," She said.

"If he can even speak," Grian responded.

"Honey-" She tried, she always did, but she hated him, that much was clear.

"Its a 60% chance he dies, mom. He keeps saying not to be worried but how can I not be worried?" He said, his voice was soft and tears began to prick at his eyes, "Dad says he's strong and I know he is but I just can't help feeling that tomorrow he'll die,"

She sighed and surprisingly, she didn't insult Grian's dad again, "Your father has had 7 heart attacks in the past 2 weeks and survived them all,"

"And has 6 stints in his heart," Grian added, looking out the window at the trees and mountains rolling by.

"Exactly, he'll be fine," She smiled at her son.

Grian changed the subject, "The mountains are pretty,"

Later on that day, after his mother went to work in the home office, Grian texted Bdubs and Ren. Every year on the first day of school the three brought their teacher from 6th grade a present (crunchy cheetos, she loved them) so he asked if they wanted to come with him to buy them.

He got a response from Ren first, "My cousin is over but when she leaves later I would love too!"

Then Bdubs, "I wish I could! I'm on the way to a lake rn! Can I come with you to give them to her tomorrow?"

Grian responded to Bdubs, "Of course!" Then Ren, "See you soon then!"

In hind sight maybe he should have asked what time Ren would be over, because at 5'o clock Ren got to his house. Grian told his mother he was leaving then went into the living room to let his step-dad know.

"Jeff! I'm leaving with Ren to get someone a present, I already told mom, bye!" Grian turned to leave only to be stopped by his step-dad.

"Wait. Why are you going at 5?" He asked.

"That's when Ren got here," Grian said.

His step-dad rolled his eyes, "So long as you don't come home looking like a whore like him," Grian's face scrunched up in disgust and he didn't respond, just left.

"Did he call me a whore again or is he not a pedophile?" Ren asked upon seeing Grian walk outside.

"What do you think?" Grian asked.

Ren only nodded, "This is why I hate your house," He said.

"So do I..." The conversation ended there, as it usually did.

Grian's step father had been saying Ren was a whore since the wolf-hybrid was 11, hence the pedo comment. Grian couldn't stand the man, he was drunk most nights and was just an overall asshole. Ren and Grian hung out till he had to go home at 9, they said their good-byes and Grian went straight to his room like he did most days. His mother popped in to say goodnight and that she was proud of him and whatever. He didn't really listen, just said he loved her and goodnight.

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