Call me

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" One cappuccino small please." I have a specific drink for each day and today was cappuccino Wednesday.
" That's £2:35 please." the guy asked. I handed him the exact change and smiled.
" Name?" Asked the worker. I thought long and hard about this and finally decided on the perfect name.
" Sophia The Great ,Sexy And Powerful." I said confidently . The man holding the cup gave me a funny look and then smiled. That smile could melt butter.

Two minutes later the same boy read out my name " Sophia the Great Sexy and Powerful." we both couldn't help but laugh and he handed me the cup with a wink. I went to the front of the coffee shop and sat down next to the window. Just as I was about to take a long sip of my drink I noticed what looked like a phone number on my cup. I glanced over at the guy who had taken my order and he just smiled at me and did the 'call me' thing with his hands. At that point i couldn't help but smile at him and he smiled back.

A/N sorry it's only a short chapter but I really wanted this one to be special.👍🏻👌🏻 Thanks for reading

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