I want to meet Harry Styles

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" Can I?" I asked gesturing to the door.
Jacksons mum nodded and led me through to him. His dad was sobbing in the chair, something must have happened.
" Why don't we go to the cafe and get a cup of tea?" Mrs Jackson said and gave her husband I wink. Once they'd left I pulled the chair next to Jacksons bed. I sat there silently for a second or two before jumping out of my chair and wrapping my arms around his him .A tear ran down my cheek as i buried my head in his neck. When I pulled away he gave me an odd look.
" Sorry who are you?" He kept a straight face for a moment until he cracked up in laughter. Playfully, I slapped his arm and kissed his forehead.
"Don't ever do that!" I scolded him and laughed. I sat back down and held his hand. A question that kept going through my mind finally slipped through my lips.
" Is it serious?" He looked down at his bedsheets before answering me. Jackson squeezed my hand and stared  into my eyes.
" No, I've just got a little Cancer, that's all ."Instantly we both burst into tears but mine were silent. They trickled down my face and tickled my cheeks, it felt as though they were mocking me. I rested my head on his chest and cried all my thoughts away.
" How much more time do I have with you before-" I couldn't even say the words. They were to painful to even think about.
" well it's uh -" he cleared his throat, " Hodgkin Lymphoma. It's in my kidneys and my liver and soon it will spread to my brain and then eventually stop my heart. I'm in the last stages Fifi, I have a phew months at most." I was left jaw dropped. What could I say?
" I'm not taking chemo, there's no point," he laughed through the tears " I just want to live you know? Go to some night club and get wasted and end up in some random girls bed. I want to be an ordinary 20 year old."
I smiled at him and kissed his cheek
" You are an ordinary 20 year old, like you say, you've just got a little bit of Cancer." We smiled at that but we knew that wasn't going to save him.
He would be dead in the blink of an eye, but we didn't give up hope.
I thought of ways to brighten the mood and this was the best I could come up with. I pulled out my phone and clicked on the camera.
" Say, ' I just found out I have terminal Cancer!' ." He laughed and I took the selfie. Yep, I just found out that the supposed love of my life was dying from Cancer and I took a frickin selfie! That's just how I role.

Jackson kept staring at me and I could feel my cheeks turning pink.
" What?" I laughed nervously, " Have I got something in my teeth?" He pulled me in close.
" I'm gonna marry you." I took a moment to actually make sense of what he had just said.
" That's nice babe but I don't think we have enough time to arrange a wedding." I smirked but he still didn't brake his gaze.
" I'm going to make a ' To do list' and marrying you will be number 2."
I gave him an odd look
" What's number 1?" He took a moment  to think before coming out with the most ridiculous thing that I've ever heard,
" To meet Harry Styles." We both went into hysterics. This is why I love Jackson Parker.

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