The waiting game

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All of the walls are the same. Each one of them painted white with an anti smoking poster pinned to them. He had been in theatre for at least an hour now and it seemed that everybody had forgotten about me. I was just sat on a bed waiting for the doctor to come and tell me that I'm fine. Tell me that jackson's fine.

I was startled when a tall man with a mop of ginger hair and a long white coat spoke to me. He took my file at the end of the bed and began scanning it.
" Miss.Young? Yes? I'm doctor Shaw." He continued reading.
" Your medical notes tell me that you're Anaemic, correct?" I just fiddled with my thumbs and stared and the floor, I was not in any mood to talk to anybody at this point. Dr Shaw began tapping his foot on the cold hard floor. I could feel his frustrated eyes balling into me.
"Miss Young I can not help you , if you are not willing to help yourself.You are the only witness of this event so I suggest you speak up. Yes?" I thought about this for a moment. He was right.
I was the only one with Jackson at the time, the only one who saw this happen.
" Do you end all of your sentences with a question?" He did not look amused, " Yes I am Anaemic, born with the condition not acquired. Anything else?" He stood there in his scrubs inspecting me from head to toe. He did the whole check up procedure without talking to me once, it was rather awkward.

Once Dr Shaw had finished examining me he cleared his throat.
" Well Miss Young everything seems to be in working order so-" I cut him off before he could finish, I needed answers.
" So why is my best friend in your bloody theatre being operated on if I'm all tickety boom?!" People from all around started to stare at me. I could hear the doctors and nurses and porters whispering. I didn't care.

A pale woman stepped into my cubicle. She looked friendly and oddly happy to see me.
" Hello Sofia. I'm in charge here. Shall we have a little chat in my office on the regards of your friend?" I only nodded and followed her to a massive office. She offered my a seat on the opposite side of her desk and sat down in front of her computer.
" I'm Dr. Stringer . I understand that you have gone through quite a traumatic experience within the last two hours." My spine shivered as I remembered Jackson lying on the sand, helpless. She continued,
" We have contacted both you're parents and Jacksons, they're on their way and will be here shortly. Now Sofia, it's really important that you tell me everything that happened on the beach, okay?"

I nodded and told her everything, from the kiss to the swimming. I explained the incident in full detail, reliving every moment as it was. When I finally finished she nodded and closed down her computer. She had obviously been
taking notes of everything I had said.
" That must have been incredibly painful for you. Thank you." Doctor Stringer opened the door and led me out of her office where I saw my mum standing at the front desk looking quite flustered. I ran to her and wrapped my arms around her tiny waist. Immediately tears began to run down my face as I buried my head into her neck.
" Sweetie what happened? I got a call saying you were in hospital. I panicked
and drove straight over! Are you okay? Are you hurt?" I could hear the worry in mums voice. A doctor explained everything to mum and she immediately began crying.

Me and mum were sat down in the main reception area when I heard a concerned voice.
" Mr and Mrs Parker. We got a call saying our son Jackson is in hospital. Where is he? What's happened? Is he alright?" A nurse led them to a room with a large window but blinds were stopping me from seeing in. I leapt out of my seat and rushed into the room.

There was no bed but two chairs where the Parkers were sitting. Before they could call security I quickly explained myself. " Mr and Mrs Parker I'm Sofia, i was with your son when it happened. I know that we have never met before but i would really appreciate it if you would let me stay here and wait for Jackson to come out of theatre because well, after these last few months me and him have become so close it's as if we're un separable." I breathed. That was a lot of talking, especially for me. They both sat there with their mouths wide open.
" So your the girl our Jackson has been sneaking off to see."

So guys I know this is a reallllllly long chapter but normally I only do little short ones and I really hope you enjoy it. Also I want to add that I don't edit these chapters so uh- yeah
Thanks for reading!!!😊

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