The rain

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After that Wednesday I went into Starbucks every day. Sometimes i didn't even order anything, I just sat down next to the window. It was the same routine every day of every week.

It was a miserable Saturday morning and i sat in my normal seat. As i watched the rain drops race down the window my Starbucks boy sat down in the seat opposite me and watched the rain with me. We were silent for a while . About 5 minutes later he finally spoke,
" I like to imagine that the rain is really the tears of the loved ones we've all lost and that they're crying because they want more than anything to be back with us in this world." I stared at him for a while and smiled.
"I like that." i said and touched the cold glass with my finger.
"I'm Jackson." he said.
"I'm so-"
"Sophia I know,"he smiled at me and stood up. " It was a pleasure to see you again Fifi ." Jackson nodded and before i could correct him he was behind the counter again.

As I was walking home I could hear my name being called from behind me,
"Sophia! Wait!" I turned around and saw my best friend Lizzy chasing after me, her gorgeous blonde curls being waved around by the wind.
"It's freezing! Hurry up!" I called out to her. She soon hurried her pace and dived underneath my umbrella.
" I think i need a hot chocolate! Lets go to your place!" She shouted over the screams of the wind. I nodded in agreement and without even thinking i texted Jackson with the number that he gave me.

We reached my house ( my parents house) and kicked off our shoes. I knew my mum and Jeremy (my step dad who i refused to call 'dad' ) were out which meant this was the perfect time to tell Lizzy about Jackson...or not.
Lizzy walked into the living room and slouched down on the sofa.
" I have had the most exhausting week Soph you won't believe it!"
" Like every other week that you tell me about?" I laughed.
"Shut up and listen , i'm serious! Okay so first you know i was going out with that Ethan guy?" She didn't give me time to answer before she carried on,
"Well i dumped him because we just weren't talking anymore and then-" Lizzy was cut off by the vibrating of my phone. She shot me a confused and excited look and stared at my phone that was unguarded on the coffee table. Lizzy knew i never got texts from anyone but her or Tesco mobile , i was never really the popular kid at school. Before I could stop her, she had already grabbed the phone and typed in my password.
" Hello Fifi would you care to meet me at Long Bow park tomorrow afternoon, i'll even bring you your Sunday expresso? 😉" Lizzy read out smiling the whole time.
" Give that here a second." I pleaded to her and she chucked me the phone. When Liz read the text out, for some reason i thought she was making it up but it was there in my messages in black and white, Jackson wanted to see me! I was so excited that i could hardly contain myself but I had to because I didn't want Lizzy to know about my Starbucks boy.
" So who was that from?" Lizzy finally asked, i could see in her eyes that she had been holding that question in since she had first heard the vibration.
" Nobody special." i lied. I hated lying to my best friend but it had to be done, if she knew about Jackson then she would probably scare him away. She gave me an unconvinced look and mumbled,
" Well they seem to know your drinking routine."

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