Long Bow Park

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I woke up at 8:00 and jumped straight i to the shower. Once i had finished my rich lather i went into my room to get dressed. I had several potential out fits picked for today but i decided to go for my yellow skater skirt, white belly top and matching white sandals.

As i was applying my concealor there was a knock at the door.
" Sofia, get your ass down the stairs and eat some breakfast. I've already called you twice!" Jeremy snapped viciously from the other side of the door.
" Are you going to make me?" I called back with sass. There was silence, followed by huffing and puffing.
" I suggest you get out here right now young lady or I will grab you by the neck and throw you down the stairs myself!" He grunted ferociously.
Then my mothers sweet voice wafted up the stairs, " Is everything okay up there?"
"Just dandy ." I muttered to myself.

Once i had finished doing my make up and curling my hair i ran down the stairs and was met by my mum at the bottom.
" Repunzal, Repunzal let down your hair!" She squealed excitedly, " Who have you got all dressed up for?"
"Just a friend ." I replied blankly, not giving to much away. I brushed pass her and walked into the kitchen to get something to eat. I placed my bread into the toaster and hummed gently to myself before i was startled by something licking my leg, Raymond.
Ray was a Basset hound who was blind in one eye and had the appetite of a giant. I knew exactly what he wanted, my toast.
"Sorry bud it's not ready yet." I patted his head and cuddled him before plugging my IPOD into the speaker and playing my Favourite song, Trouble by Iggy. Raymond was howling along to the music with me, I was sure he was going to win The X Factor one day.
The pop if the toaster gave us both a fright but then Ray opend his mouth wide open and the slobber flew out.
" Raymond! You are the grossest dog in the whole entire world!" I laughed and tore him off some bread . He jumped up and grabbed it clean from my now slobbery hand.
" Cheers for that." i sighed whilst washing my hands under the sink.
Ray was the only thing mum kept after Dad died in Afghanistan 4 years ago. I remembers hating her at that time, hating her much that when she was at work i threw all of her stuff out of her bedroom window. I despised of her when I found out that she'd been having an affair when Dad was away in the army but i forgave her, after all she's the closest family i have left. Neither me or Ray welcomed Jeremy with open arms, in fact Ray used to chew up his shoes and socks and wee on his paperwork. I wish Raymond would still do that now but Mr. Sour Puss fretted to kill him with his bare hands so we locked Ray in the dog house for a week. No matter how much my Mum persisted, i wanted to keep my dads surname, Young.

With a rush of panic i quickly checked the clock, 12:45. To get to the park in time i would have to leave right then.
" Mum i'm going out, I'll be back later." i called up the stairs.
"Okay take care honey!" She shouted back.
I grabbed my phone and helmet and flew out of the door. I hopped onto my baby blue Vesta scooter/bike and fastened on my helmet. The exhilaration was immense, the wind tugged on my jacket and my eyes were focused on the road as well as my surroundings.

When I got to the park Jackson was already there, chilled out on the swings. I hopped off my bike and took of my helmet whilst shaking my hair free.
"Nice ride!" He called over.
" Thanks. I saved up."
I could here his sweet laugh in the distance and couldn't help laughing with him, it was contagious .
I walked over to the swings and joined him in the cool summers breeze.
"It's a beautiful day." i said whilst looking up to the single cloud in the sky.
" Almost as beautiful as you." He smiled. We looked at each over and to break the awkwardness i quickly laughed,"Almost."
Jackson jumped of the swing and sat down on the green, green grass. He gestured for me to join him, so I did.
"Look," he said his blue eyes sparkled in the sunlight, " I'm not the best at flirting so I'm gonna keep this short and sweet. I like you Sophia,damn it I love you. And i know your probably laughing at me in your head right now because a guy can't be in love with a girl who he's never had more than 5 conversations with but I love you."
I stared at him, my eyes wide and then without knowing what i was doing, I hugged him. I hugged him closer and tighter than i had ever hugged anybody before, not even my father. Even though i couldn't see his face i knew he was smiling and i was to.
Jackson pulled away and looked at the basket he had next to him.
" I have something for you." he grinned and pulled out a flask from the basket.
I took the flask and unscrewed the lid. The smell instantly floated up my nose. Expresso.
"I-I think that I may have to kiss you!" I squealed. Jackson then looked at me alarmed.
"Well okay then. " He shrugged. Jackson closed his eyes, leaned in towards me and puckered his lips, making wet smoochy noises. I grabbed my helmet and put it in front of my face and he kissed it.
"Mmm- your lips taste a lot like metal Fifi....but i can live with that ." He laughed, his eyes still closed. I smacked him gently across the leg and he snapped back. After that me and Jackson talked for a while about our past and who we really were. We'd talked for so long that It was already becoming dark.
" I should go ." I finally said and stood up to brush the grass off my knees.
" Yeah, okay." He walked me to my parking space and held my hands .
" When can I see you again?" He said softly looking into my eyes.
"You tell me," i said quietly, "Night Jackson. "
" Good night Fifi." he whispered" in my ear before kissing me gently on the cheek.

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