
21 1 2

As i walked down the road with my bag full of supplies in my hand, i thought how lucky I was. I could see Jackson in the distance, his hair smooth and gorgeous. I approached him and he lifted my high into the air.
"Whoah!!!" I screamed as he held
My body tight in the sky.
"Good morning!" He said with joy in his voice.
" So where are we going? The beach?" I asked nervously, i don't like surprises.
Never have. Never will.
"Bingo! Lets go before the traffic builds up!" He ran to his blue citreon and jumped into the drivers seat, i followed and immediately put on some music, a habit i guess. As I switched on the radio Jacksons eyes filled with joy.
" I have the best idea Fifi! What ever song comes on next will be our song and every time it plays we'll be thinking about each other.. "I was worried now, worried that it would be a song about heart break or dead people but i guess we got lucky.
Talk Dirty To Me filled the car. We looked at each other for a moment and then Jackson just shrugged and started singing along with me. We were both laughing our heads off when out of nowhere he put his hand on my leg, his eyes still on the road. I could feel my whole body tense up and I guess he could to. Jackson took his hand of and smiled a little.
" You're a proper lady you know Fifi?"
I laughed at his comment and stared at him,
" Wait 'till you get to know me, you'll be running for the hills!" He shook his head and turned a corner to reveal the shimmering sea.
"It's..." i began before he interrupted me.
"Ugly." jackson breathed blankly.
Ugly? I asked myself confused. This was the most beautiful moment in the world and he had called it ugly.
" Everything looks better from a distance. I bet that when we get right up close to the sea you'll suddenly notice the green and brown things floating and the junk that's been thrown in by lazy people ." he paused and then continued, " Everything beautiful in the world always ends up ugly."

There was silence as Jackson parked the car. I think really we were both thinking about all he had just said, i mean it was pretty deep. When he finally took out the key i broke the silence.
" What about me?"
Jackson turned to face me with a confused look on his face.
"What about you?" He questioned. I could tell by the tone in his voice that Jackson hated not being able to work me out.
" Am I ugly close up?" I asked with a slight pout. Jackson began to start laughing, brushing his hand through his dark hair and messy hair.
" You're an exception to the rule Fifi."
I smiled at this and unbuckled my seatbelt. I leant over to Jackson and kissed his cheek before making a quick exit out of the car and onto the sandy dunes.

We were walking down towards the rocks when all of a sudden Jackson clenched his hip, I could see the pain in his face.
" Are you...alright?" I asked worried. I put my hand on his back but he stood back up straight and gave me a slight smile.
" Yeah i'm fine just a stitch."
I gave him an unconvinced look but he ignored my expression and carried on walking.

We reached the rock pools and i wasn't really prepared as i was wearing a cheap pair of flip flops. I slipped on a rock but before i could even react jackson had grabbed my hand and pulled me in close
I knew my mouth was wide open at this point, probably making a squeaky noise out of shock.
"What ? Did you think i would let you fall and ruin my only chance of having a happy ever after?" He Smiled. He took my other hand so that we were facing each other on top of the rock. I knew i was blushing but i honestly didn't care. Jackson held me closer and i rested my head against his chest, breathing in his sweet cholone .
"I'm constantly resisting the urge to kiss you sofia." He whisperd. i laughed into his neck and looked up at him with innocent eyes.
" I'm not going to stop you." i said shyly.
Jackson placed my head in his hands and kissed me. It only lasted for a couple of seconds but that was enough. Enough to tell me that i was going to marry this boy one day, and we would both get our happy ever afters.

Sorry this chapter took so long to update but iv been working really hard on it. the story is going to really get more emotional in these next few chapters

Thanks for reading xx

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