He's awake

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I stood in Jacksons room in silence for a while until Mrs Parker spoke up.
" So you-" she took a tissue from her pocket and wiped her eyes," You know how this happened?" She broke down instantly and her husband comforted her, rubbing her back. Grey hairs were showing at the roots of her short brown bob. I didn't know what to say. All I knew was that Jackson went pale and collapsed, I didn't know what was wrong with him. Nether the less, this couple needed to know as much as they could .
" We uh- went to the beach. When we got into the water Jackson looked pale and sick. His lips had turned blue so we- we started to swim back and then-"  i wiped away a single tear. Come on Sofia pull yourself together.
" it's okay sweetheart we understand it's painful." Mr Parker said with sympathy drowning his voice. I nodded and Jacksons mum handed me a tissue.
"Thanks." I murmured through the tears. Out of no where I could here a tapping noise. I looked behind me to see my mum at the glass door with a smile plastered on her face holding up a my black bag.
" Sorry I just need to speak to my mum." I snuck out of the cold room and embraced my mum into a warm hug. I held back the tears and pushed her away so that we were now facing each other.
" I brought you some stuff like a tooth brush and a change of clothes.oh and an officer recovered your phone.  I mean I take it you want to stay the night? Even though I've never met this boy before I can tell he's pretty important to you." Mum gave me kind hearted smile and patted my shoulder.
" thanks mum." I took the bag and went into the lady's toilets to see what she'd brought me. I found an empty cubicle and sat down and began rummaging through my things. There were two sets of clean clothes, my tooth brush, my anti spot and blackhead cream, my dry shampoo, some wipes, my water bottle, my phone, my charger and headphones. My mum knows me so well. Shaking, I turned my phone over to find a hairline crack running through the screen. Shit. Well it's not as bad as I was expecting and it was still working which was a miracle. I threw on a grey baggy top, some leggings and my winter ugg boots. Throwing my hair into a pony tail was the only way to hide my greasy hair.

I began walking back to the room when a bed trolly came rolling past with two doctors either side pulling it along. Jackson? I began walking beside the trolly at a hasty pace  to see if I could catch a glimpse of who was lying there. My wish  became true as I could see my Starbucks boy lying unconscious  in the bed. At least he was out of theatre now. The doctors rushed him into the room and the doors slammed shut behind them. I tried to get in but they told me that until he was awake only family were aloud in.

" That will be £3.56." I gave the cashier my money and took my vanilla latte and muffin to an empty table next to the hospitals cafe window. If i closed my eyes it was almost like I was back in Starbucks but instead of Jackson being in a crash trolly on the other side of hospital, he was at the till handing people their mugs of coffee.
If only. I nibbled at my blueberry treat but I couldn't stomach it. Eventually I decided to head back to the waiting area and finish my drink there.

The corridors were empty and lonely,it was as if the world was at peace again.  I sat down outside of Jacksons room and closed my eyes, praying that he would be okay, that I would wake up and it would all be a messed up dream. But I knew it wasn't. The door to Jacksons room swung open and shook me from my thoughts. Stood there all hunched over was Jacksons mum. She had great big bags under her eyes and a grey tint to her skin. When she saw me a smile came to her face,
" He's awake."
Okay guys so 'he's awake'! I know this was a boring chapter but don't worry the next one will make you sit at the edge of your seats!( well that's the plan anyway) thanks so much for reading! Also if you like books like this about young love go check out my best friends new account jasmynt28
She's an amazing writer and is really looking forward to getting her work out there!! Byeeeee!!!!

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