Burried deep in the sand

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Me and Jackson were walking along
the seaside, his hand in mine, my hand in his. Together.
" Odds on you running out into the sea in your bra and pants?" He laughed.
I raised my eyebrows at him and a slight grin came to my face.
I thought about this for a moment and then decided that life isn't long enough and that there isn't enough time to waste hiding in the shadows.
And with that, i pulled of my top, jumped out of my shorts and kicked of my flips flops. Was I insane? Most likely yes.
" Odds on you running in with me?" I smiled. Jackson unbuttoned his white shirt and we ran into the freezing sea together.
" Shit! This is bloody cold!" He screamed. I cocked my head back and started laughing. Out of nowhere a drop of rain landed on my fore head.
I only laughed more and dunked my head under the ice cold water. When i re emerged Jackson was stood there in front of me, his lips blue, skin pale. Lifeless.
" We shou-should get out of here!" He stuttered. I nodded worried and uncertain. I didn't know what to do, I didn't know what was happening. The sea wasn't that cold.He hugged me close and we hobbled out of the water together. just as we were in the shallow, Jackson collapsed, his face buried in the sand.
" Jackson! You need to get up! Can you hear me? Please!" I pleaded to him and managed to pull him up from the sand. As he looked at me a shiver went down my spine. He looked dead. I didn't even recognise him.

" 9 9 9. What is your emergency?" The voice on the end of the line was warm and friendly, like i was speaking
to my mum.
" Its him... he he's... i don't know if he's breathing. Please help us. Please." By the time i had finished my sentence, the words had trailed off and turned into a hushed whisper
" Okay ma'm i need you to stay calm and give me your location and name. can you do that?"
I paused for a moment. I was in such shock that I had forgotten my own name.
"Peran Porth beach. By the bridge." i breathed heavily into the phone, "Fifi." that was the only thing that i could even think of. Fifi.
"Okay an ambulance is on the way please stay calm okay?"
I didn't respond, i just chucked the phone into the rocks and knelt down beside him. His eyes were open but they were no longer a glistening blue but a deep black. I took his hand and held it tight, i never wanted to let go. Never.

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