Cold Blooded Killers (One Direction)

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My life is anything but normal. Im the leader of one of the best gangs in town, which says a lot considering we live in New York City. We have all the best weapons, the best fighters, the best looks if I do say so myself. Oh, did I forget to mention that we're girls. Yeah that's right. The name's Megan James, baddest bitch in town. Me and my girls dominate all those sissy male gangs. There are three things we gangs care about most: money, drugs and love. Money and drugs are easy to get but love, well for me, lets just say that It don't come easy. I figured this out the hard way when we kidnapped those five boys. They say that love can change anything. Make me go soft? Hell no, but it can also help us make the right choices in life. It sure helped me. I know what your thinking 'this is just another dumb love story' am i right. Well, guess again. This right here is not only an awesome twisted action story- It's full of crazy, sick fights, blood and gore (readers beware), and tons of other gangly stuff- this right here, this is MY love story....

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