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** Hey! This is Megan. Here's the first chapter of my very own story. I've helped Christie with two other fanfics, but if you read out for blood chapter 7, you'll know that she has left watt pad to me and I am continuing all her other stories. Be sure to read them all!**

"Hey Meg!" Perrie shouts from across the room. We were currently in the process of robbing a bank, in search of one particular mans money. My father's.

You see, he kicked me and my twin sister Aria out of the house when we were only fourteen, because apparently we couldn't 'keep the peace' with our stepmom, who I swear is evil.

I figured that by robing all his cash, not only would get him on the streets, but put a little change in my pockets as well. "Hush, Perrie! You'll get us caught!" Whispers Danielle from her spot, guarding the doors.

Perrie shakes her head and keeps looking at the identical vaults, trying to find the right one. On my right, Eleanor sighs as she gets an explosive ready. We were going to blow open the vault so we don't leave fingerprints, grab the money and get the heck out before anyone caught us.

Me and my girls, Eleanor Calder, Perrie Edwards, Danielle Peazer, Aria James and of course, moi, have been a gang for five years now. We found each other on the streets when aria and me got kicked out.

Me and the girls live in an old abandoned warehouse that we made into a suitable living space. "I found it!" Perrie suddenly squeals. "Shut up Perrie!" Aria hisses glancing warily at the doors.

At any given second, a security guard could come in here, catch us in the act and we'd all be screwed. I walk over to where Perrie is now jumping up and down, pointing at a vault. 179- Peter James, the tag on the front reads. Bingo. Eleanor attaches a small bomb to the front of the metal door and stands back.

We count backwards from ten. "Ten!" 'This is for all the times you sided with that evil witch' I think. "Nine, eight!" 'This is for not believing in me' "seven, six!" 'This is for not being there when I needed you' "Five, Four!" 'This is for kicking me out of your home, your life, everything' "Three, two!" 'I hate you so much dad' is all I can think "ONE!!" 'I hope you rot in hell'. Everything explodes, sending pieces of rubble flying towards us. Alarms, almost immediately, go off and there is chaos all around us.

Five very large security men with very large guns run at us. I take my own gun from my pocket and shoot at them. Three of them crash to the ground, holding some part of their bodies, and then go limp. The other two are shot by Danielle, who was hiding behind them.

Aria, Eleanor and Perrie all grab three to four bags of money each and run for the exit. Me and Danielle run after them and we all pile into my black range rover. I gun it down the dark ally I parked in and speed down the streets of NYC, coming to a stop outside our warehouse, a few miles out of town.

Me and Aria collect the money and stash it in our secret hiding spot under a loose stair. "I can't believe we actually pulled that off!" Danielle squeals, jumping up and down. "of course we did, what with my awesome leading and whatnot" I say, smiling at our triumph. I was the leader of this fine group of bad girls.

I was the ruthless one, who never said no to a good fight, who didn't believe in mercy, who killed without guilt. I've killed so many people, I lost count.

Eleanor was the techie. She hacked into computers, stole info off of cellular devices and could make an explosive out of just about everything.

Aria, well she was the one who fixed our cars and got the drugs. She could convince anyone to do anything.

Danielle was the sharpshooter. She's been holding a gun since age five and can shoot an apple off someone's head without even looking.

As for Perrie, she's the slut of the group. She's the one that goes out, has sex with all the rich guys, steals their loot and runs. We still love her though.

My gang is the best in town- no doubt about it. The male gangs, they don't even compare to us. We don't have a name, and we never will.

Anyways, after we finish stuffing the money away, I'm still very angry at my father. When I get angry, I kill, and I mean legit kill. Aria too.

"I'm just popping out for a second" I tell the girls as I walk out the door. Aria and Eleanor follow me. "We know your mad and we are too, so how bout we hit the clubs and look for some cute boys to kill?" Eleanor asks me. I nod and get into Eleanor's red corvette.

We only use her car for special purposes, like going into town or in this case, going to clubs and bars to get absolutely hammered. That only happens on few occasions though, you do not want to be near me drunk unless you actually want to be in the hospital afterward.

We pull up to a club and go inside. I spot a group of boys who looked about our age sitting in the back corner. They'd do us nicely.

"Hey boys" I say coming around the corner. One of them, a blonde boy with blue eyes, looks me up and down. "You can sit with me if you'd like" Blondie slurrs, with a thick Irish accent.

I nod and sit on his knee. He smiles at me and I try not to grin evilly. If only he knew that him and his buddies will be dead by morning.

"Want to dance?" Eleanor asks one of the boys, who has suspenders and bright red pants on. He nods and they disappear, where she will probably give him a sleeping drug so we can take him back to our warehouse.

"Well, hello. Aren't you good looking" aria says to a boy with curly brown hair and emerald green eyes. He smiles and walks off with her, to his unknown doom. There are only two boys left.

One has tanned skin and a dark quiff, the other has a buzz cut and chocolate brown eyes. "I could be shared I guess." I say beckoning the three boys to come with me. They of course follow.

I lead them outside and into an ally where we parked our car. I stand behind a big dumpster and clamp a cloth with sleeping alcohol over blondies face. He gives me a scared look before passing out.

"Don't bother leaving" I say as Eleanor and Aria come out from behind another dumpster. They both clamp a cloth over the two boys faces, and I chuckle as they too, slump to the ground.

We pile them into our car and drive off into the night.

**hey how'd you guys like? All of 1D's girls are bad asses! Oh and by the way, one direction are NOT famous in this book. This is my first story that I am writing on my own, so please bear with me if some parts suck. Tanks! **

- Megan

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