Chapter 6: Happy

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Chapter 6

Megan's POV

Niall pulls up outside the hospital. I open my door and almost fall out of the range rover. I immediately start to see some black spots cloud my vision.

Niall runs over to help me as I wobble over to the curb. Maybe I've lost more blood than I thought. He picks me up bridal style and walks inside.

He shows the secretary person my fake ID, and she calls for a doctor. I'm carried into a big white room and placed on a sterile bed. The door opens and in walks a nurse.

"Hello Shannon. My name is Carol and I'll be your nurse today" she smiles way too happily. I roll my eyes at her. No one cares what your name is Carol.

"Can you please remove your jacket so I can take a look at your arm" Carol asks me. I gently shimmy my arms out of the tight leather sleeves. Carol gasps.

"We need to fix that up right away!" She look worried. I roll my eyes once again and cross my arms, even though I can barley feel one.

"No" I say stubbornly. Carol looks at me like I'm crazy. "But honey, you could get blood poisoning and-" I cut her off. "I said NO" I growl. I feel Niall's hand on the back of my shoulder.

"Babe, the nurse is right" he says quietly. I turn on him. "So now your teaming up on me? Are you sure this is a wise decision? You do know that I will seriously mess both of you up, right?" I threaten them.

Niall and the nurse both look at each other and nod. Suddenly, Niall is pinning my shoulders down to the bed as Carol grabs some antiseptic shit and wipes it all over the gash in my arm.

I scream in pain because man does that stuff sting. I struggle against Niall's grip, but I'm too weak. I kick and thrash and bite at both of them, but still Niall holds onto me. Carol approaches me with a big needle.

She taps the clear liquid inside and approaches me with it. I shrink back, trying to get away from the sharp object in her hand.

Yes, I'm afraid of needles. No one lows but Aria, and I swore I'd kill her if she told anyone. Niall chuckles behind me. "It's okay babe. It's just gonna hurt for a second" he lets go of my shoulders and grips onto my arm, so I can't get away.

The sharp needle pierces my skin and I wince. Carol pushes the plunger thingy down, filling me with whatever crap was in the needle. I begin to feel more calm. Happy almost. I stop fighting Niall and sit still on the bed smiling to myself

Carol sighs. "That was a relaxant. It should wear off in a few hours". Niall releases my arm and sits beside me, holding my hand. I smile at him and he just chuckles, shaking his head.

Carol disappears and returns a few minutes later with some surgical thread and yet another needle, the one that you would use to sew up a ripped item of clothing.

She sews up my gash and puts some disinfectant on it when she's done. I couldn't care less. She wraps my arm up tightly with some white gauze and surgical tape. She talks to Niall for a minute or two, until he picks me up and takes me back out into the range rover.

I happily bounce up and down in my seat. I really felt good. Great even. "Calm down, Megan!" Niall laughs. I keep bouncing and look out the window, genuinely enjoying the scenery.

"Life is so good, ya know. I feel like I can do anything and everything. I love it here" I gush randomly. I can see Niall smile, but he keeps his eyes on the road.

After about ten minutes, we pull up outside our warehouse. I hop out of the vehicle and skip up to the door, throwing it open and sauntering inside.

Everyone looks over in my direction. I spot Aria sitting on the couch and run over to her. "Have I ever told you how much I love you? Your like the best sister in the whole world!" I hug her until she can't breathe.

Aria peels my arms off of her and shuffles over to make room for me to sit. From across the room Louis smirks. "Having fun there Meggy?" He asks. Aria gasps. I usually beat people up for using that name.

I like it though. I smile at Lou. "Yes I am Loubear" I say, still grinning. Aria looks at me like I'm crazy. Niall walks over to us and runs my shoulder.

"They gave her way too much relaxant. It'll wear off soon. I hope". Everyone's mouth formed an o and I grab a random movie and place it in the DVD player. The opening titles come on and everyone groans.

"The Notebook? Really?" Aria whines. Harry runs over to us. "I LOVE THIS MOVIE!" He yells and plops down on he floor.

After about halfway through the movie, I feel myself getting sleepy. I close my eyes and drift off into a peaceful sleep.

Niall's POV

The horrible and painfully romantic movie ends and I notice that Megan has fallen asleep. I shake her shoulder. "Go to hell!" She says and punches me in the gut. Well, at least she's back to her normal self.

Louis smirks at me. "Have a nice sleep Meggy?" He taunts. She glares at him. I looks could kill, his blood would be splattered all over the place. "Call me that one more time Tomlinson, and I will hurt you. Very badly" she growls.

Megan stands up and shuffles up to her room. Probably to go back to sleep since its like almost midnight. I follow her. As I walk up the stairs, I check the window to see if that creep was stalking us again.

Nope. I walk into the room and crawl into the soft bed, snaking my arms around Meg's waist before falling into a deep sleep.

**hey sorry this is kind of short. It's just a filler chapter. Thanks for reading and don't forget to



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