Chapter 12: Free At Last

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Chapter 12

Megan's POV

-8 months later-

I lazily lay back on my small bed in the jail cell. Mark, the guard outside chuckles. "Having fun there James?" He smirks. I've become best friends with the cell guard. I playfully roll my eyes at him and sit up.

Well, at least I attempt to, my growing belly getting in the way. Yes, I'm pregnant with my little girl. The doctor found her when I got that concussion a while back. So far, the only people that know are Aria, and everyone here at the jail.

Surprisingly, jail isn't actually that bad. I'm a favorite with all the officers, so I usually have someone to keep me company, since I forbid my sister and all them to visit. It's just too risky. They might get caught and then were all screwed.

I'm startled out of my thoughts by the sound of the cell door being opened. A different guard, Kevin, motions for me to get up. I pull myself off the mattress and follow him down the hallway, into a big interrogation room. This is usually where we go to have private talks.

Kevin clears his throat. "I just talked to the jury. They've decided that since your sentence was only a year, an you haven't given us any trouble, they're letting you out early. I'll be back in an hour to take you back to your place" he says.

I grin and hug him. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I squeal and run back down the hallway. I share the news with Riley and Mark. They also seem happy for me. Since Riley's being released in about two days, we make plans to meet at Starbucks the day after.

After saying my goodbyes, I walk out of the dreary building and hop into the police car, on my way back to civilisation. Well as civilised as a bunch of crazy girls and retarded boys can be.

Ill get to see Niall for the first time in so long. His perfect face will be so shocked when I show up at the door and- oh shit! I forgot to tell him about our child! Fuck, how could I be so stupid. I start to panic a bit.

From the front seat, Kevin gives me a strange look. "You okay back there Megan?" He asks. I shake my head and tell him about my situation. By the end, he is deep in thought.

"Well, I'm sure he will still love you and your little girl. If he doesn't, well then maybe you two weren't meant to be" he says as we pull into the hidden driveway of my giant warehouse.

"That, my friend, was deep. Thanks for everything!" I say as I shut the car door. Since I changed out of the ugly orange jumpsuit before we left, I pull my baggy top over my ginormous stomach.

My leather jacket can't zip up and my combat boots are undone because I can't even see my feet, let alone reach them. I walk up the familiar walkway thing, to the front door.

I knock about eighty times, until someone knocks back from the other side of the door. Since there is no windows in or around the door, no one can see who it is. "Who is it?" Louis girly voice yells.

I roll my eyes. "It's Kentucky fried chicken, who the hell do you think it is?" I yell back. The door suddenly flings open and I'm tackled into a hug by the carrot king. He pulls back and looks at me funny.

"Is it just me, or have you gotten fatter?" He jokes. I punch him in the arm playfully. Next thing I know, Aria, Danielle, Eleanor and Perrie all pull me into a giant group hug. "Is it Niall's?" Eleanor whispers after a while. I reply with a yes and the girls all squeal.

Aria grabs my shoulder. "Niall's up in your room. He's been rather lonely since you left. You should go surprise him" she says and everyone nods. I kick my shoes off and slowly make my way down the familiar hallway.

The door to my room is slightly open a crack, and I can just see Niall's figure sitting on the comfy bed. I push the door open silently, and quietly tiptoe over to him.

Since Niall's back is towards me, I creep up behind him and cover his eyes with my hands. "Guess who" I sing. Niall gasps and spins around. He kisses me gently before looking down at my stomach.

He turns a bit pale and puts his hands gently on the growing bump. Tears glisten in his eyes when he looks back up at me. "Hey baby, daddy's gonna see you soon" he says softly and kisses my stomach.

Niall's POV

I rest my hands on the baby. Our baby. I can't believe I'm going to become a father. "When is squirt due?" I ask Megan. She shrugs. "She is coming sometime in the next 30 days" I feel all the blood leave my face for a second time. A girl?

"Well, I bet she'll be beautiful just like her mummy" I say taking Megan into my arms. She barely fits anymore. I feel a soft thump against my hand, and Megan smiles at me.

"She likes you" Megan says. I kiss the top of her head. I see a lightbulb go off in her head as I rub her stomach lightly. "We need some names!" She says. We both think for a while.

"I like the name Brooke" I say. Megan nods. "Brooke Ariel Horan. Sound good?" She asks. I twirl a piece of her soft brown hair around my fingers.

"Sounds perfect"

Arias POV

-20 days later-

"Can you get me ice cream?!" Megan yells from the couch she planted her lazy butt on. I swear that girl can and will eat just about everything now. But hey, she's due any day now.

I grab a tub of cookie dough ice cream and stick a spoon in it. Who knows how much ice cream a pregnant woman could eat! I hand her the tub and plop down beside Harry on the other couch.

I look over at him and he nods, urging me on. Ive been waiting to tell everyone for days, but Harry told me to wait until the time was right. I clear my throat.

"Me and Harry have been thinking about this for quite a while now. Since Megan and Niall's little one will be here soon, we thought that she would need a little cousin to play with" I say. Everyone gasps and then cheers.

Eleanor and Louis look at each other. "We were thinking about that too!" They exclaim. Danielle and Liam nod. We all look over at Perrie, who blushes. "How bout you Per?" Eleanor asks her.

Perrie grins from ear to ear. "I'm kinda already two months along" she says quietly holding into Zayn's hand. We all congratulate her until Megan grabs her stomach in pain. "Fuck!" She moans.

Almost immediately, everyone springs into action. "Everyone in the car! The baby's coming!"

**hey! Hope you liked. ive been trying to update this story faster because people want me to continue writing Out For Blood 2. I just want to make something clear to you readers because I keep getting messages asking me about this. I DO NOT relate to the character of Megan AT ALL. I just needed a name for this fan fiction. Even though I made her look like me, I am not her and she is not me. Ok I think I'm done here. Let me know what you think of the story so far and don't forget to



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