Chapter 2: New love

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**hey peoples!! Sorry this took so long, we couldn't think of any good ideas for this chapter. It will get better though don't worry. Plz comment vote and fan both me and @clove_loves_1Dxox. Tanks!**

Niall's POV:

Ok, i am totally confused here. First, these crazy badass chicks in black knock us out and take us to their place and take about an hour debating whether or not to kill us. and now Megan is telling us to join their gang. I didn't really like the sound of becoming heartless killers.

"um, ya i dont think so. why dont you just let us go and we wont go to the police for this." Louis says to Megan.

"Yell look at you smartass. you will not be leaving- ever. And if you think you can get away, let me just tell you now that I have no problem ripping your throat out. Got it? you and your friends are going to be staying with us for a while now isn't that right girls?" She retorts.

"Can Harry sleep with me?!?" one of the girls says very quickly. We all turn to her.

Harry just stands there with a smirk looking at her red face. "Aria!!!! you cant just ask someone to sleep with you." says Megan.

"no its fine i like the sound of that" harry adds moving his eyebrows up and down. Oh god.

"perfect and remember if you do anything to my sister i will hurt you Harry. Very badly. Anyways, these are going to be the sleeping arrangements and NO changes. Aria and Harry, Perrie and Zayn, Danielle and Liam, Eleanor and Louis."

I look at her expectantly . "I guess I'm stuck with you right?" I nod and She sighs.

Everybody seemed pleased with the arrangements, especially me. I really like Megan but i think im going to have to work hard to get her.

Megan's POV:

I notice Niall is staring at me in almost a daze so i decide i should get the night moving along. Before i can say anything danielle's already talking. "Guys how 'bout we just relax and watch a movie tonight. We can order a pizza or something."

Everyone just nodded their heads or murmured something like 'yeah, sure' and Danielle went to the other room to order our pizza with Liam trailing along behind her like a lost puppy. Cute. Wait, what am i saying??? Im a heartless killer for crying out loud! I need to stop thinking childish thoughts and remember who I really am. As i continue to drill this into my head i feel this sudden pain fly across my cheek that brings me back to reality.

"Perrie what the hell?!?!" I yell at her in anger.

"Hey i tried calling your name but you wouldn't listen." She pouts.

"Whatever lets just watch the damn move already" I reply harshly.

After i say this everyone practically flies to the couch because well they all know that perrie kind of ticked me off before and I think they're kind of scared of me.

I don't blame them after what happened with my last boyfriend. I walk over to the the tv and put in one of my favourite movies- the woman in black.

I walk over to the couch and jump on Aria and Eleanor making them yell and shove me onto the floor.

"Thanks a lot guys" I grumble as I peel myself off the floor and lay on the other couch with Niall, Zayn, and Perrie in a hurry to start the movie.

"Danielle! Liam! Get your asses in here, the movies starting!!" i yell startling everyone and hearing a thump from the bedroom. Soon after, Danielle and Liam emerge from dani's bedroom with a flushed looking liam and a grinning danielle.

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