Chapter 8: Take Me Instead

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Chapter 8

Megan's POV

I hear footsteps walk towards the room. "Megan! You up here?" Danielle's voice yells. Me and Niall give each other a worried look. "Hide!" I whisper quietly. Danielle bangs on the door.

"I know your in here!" She says. I hear more footsteps run towards her, and then Aria and Eleanor are also banging too. "If you don't unlock this door, we're braking it down!" Aria shouts.

Me and Niall are now frantically looking for hiding places. He locks himself in the small bathroom that's connected to my room and the hallway, so he can escape quickly. Damn, why didn't I think of that?!

I hear the girls picking the lock and run into my closet, shutting the door quietly. Inside, I find some track pants and slip them on quickly, just incase the girls do find me.

I hear the door creak open and the girls step inside. I back up further into the closet and bump against something tall and warm.

The next thing I know, a cloth with shitty smelling stuff is placed over my mouth and nose, making me feel sleepier and sleepier by the second.

Danielle's POV

"Megan! Can you please stop playing games and come out so we can talk to you?" I ask. No response. Aria and El start looking around. No Megan anywhere.

"Whatcha doing?" Says a voice, making me jump. Niall now stands behind me. I whack him on the arm. "Don't scare me like that!" I yell. Aria and Eleanor stop what they're doing and walk over to us.

"Niall, what happened to your hair?" Aria asks. I just noticed that he looks like he's been through a tornado, the way his hair is sticking up. He just scratches the back of his neck awkwardly.

He's about to answer when Megan's closet door flys open and out marches none other than Justin's twin, dragging an unconscious Megan with him. We all gasp.

The twin smirks and pulls out a gun. "If any of you come closer, I will pull the trigger" he sneers. Niall takes a deep breath. "Leave her alone. Take me instead" he steps forward.

The twin smiles a crooked smile. "I was hoping you would say that. Come with me" he jerks the gun to the side. Niall tentatively starts to walk over, but I grab his arm. "Please, for all of our sakes, do whatever he tells you to do and don't fight with him. We don't want you getting hurt" I whisper. Niall nods.

The twin hands Megan to Niall, and he places her carefully on her bed, softly kissing her forehead. Those two are perfect for each other. "Let's go Blondie" the twin says, pointing the gun at port Niall's head and leading him out of the warehouse.

Niall's POV

The creepy guy points the gun at my head. "Let's go Blondie" he orders and I walk foreword. In my mind, all I can think about is how Megan used to call me that when the girls first took us here.

I love Megan, and I couldn't bear to see her get hurt, no matter how strong that girl is. That's why I took her spot. I would take a bullet to the head for that girl, and I know she would do the same.

The guy forces me past the other boys. They all gasp and run towards us. I shake my head gently and give them a weak smile. If only this guy knew what Megan could do if she got her hands on him. Luckily, he doesn't seem to believe that she has the capability to mutilate people.

As the guy forced me into the back of a black van, I was imagining how pissed Megan would be when she woke up. I just hope, for her sake and for the others as well, that she won't do anything stupid.

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