Chapter 7: Long time, no see

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Chapter 7

Megan POV

"Go to hell!" I scream and stab Jeremy in the leg again. He cries out in pain and I twist the blade. I was going to kill this little piece of shit. He made me get stitches.

Niall glances over at me and rolls his eyes. He throws a small knife into a dart board, hitting the bullseye. It's been about two weeks since we first took the boys. Man, are they good at fighting.

Louis and Liam roll around on the floor. Louis ends up pinning Liam to the ground and pretends to kill him. "BOOM! I won! Hahaha YOU SUCK!" Lou yells at Liam. Now it's my turn to roll my eyes.

Aria and Danielle race downstairs, both slapping and kicking Jeremy on the way. "We have to go out. We're running low on just about everything" Aria says.

It's true, we restock our stuff only about once or twice a month. We couldn't risk getting caught by the police. I tell the boys where we're going and then I pull my knife out of Jeremy and run out to the car with the two girls.

I borrow the keys of Eleanor's red corvette and we speed into town. We pull up to a value mart store and, ditching our leather jackets, we walk inside.

I immediately run over to the food and pile random cookies and cereal into a shopping cart. Aria joins me and we grab whatever looks good. Hey, we had all that money we stole to spend.

As I walk down the isle, I accidentally bump into someone. He turns around to probably give me crap and my breath hitches in my throat. In front of me stands my good for nothing father.

Aria spots him too, and her eyes go wide. My father engulfs us both in a giant hug. "I've missed you girls so much, where the hell have you been all these years?" He asks sternly. I pull myself out of his tight grip.

"Why do you actually care where we've been? That bitch you married obviously doesn't" I snap at him. He gasps. "Megan Amelia James! Do not talk about your stepmother like that!" He scolds and turns to Aria.

"Aria, how's my youngest daughter been?" Aria rolls her eyes at him. I'm about to loose my temper, when Danielle walks up behind me. My father turns to me. "Who's your friend Megan?" He asks.

"You don't get it do you? We fucking hate you! You kicked us out of your house, your life, everything! I hate you and that son of a bitch stepmother! Don't you get that!" I explode on my father. He looks taken aback.

He puts a gentle hand on my shoulder. "I know and I'm sorry, I just want my girls back" he says. Aria flips too. "Go die!" She shouts and runs off somewhere. I give my father the middle finger and stomp away, leaving him dumbfounded in the isle.

Once we find aria and pay for our things, we head back home. All the lights are off, and there is none of the usual chaos inside the warehouse. This really worries me.

Me, Aria and Danielle rush inside. The kitchen and living room walls have bloody handprints and smears all over them. I run upstairs and Aria and Danielle run downstairs.

I kick the first door open. Nothing. The second door is the same. As is the third. As I near the last door, I hear quiet sniffles. I kick it open and find all the boys, huddled in the corner. Perrie and Eleanor are hugging them and whispering things to them.

"What happened?!" I almost yell. The group all winces. It almost hurts to see all my best friends so shaken. I slowly walk over to Niall, who's huddled in the center of the big group. He's rolled himself up in a ball and is muttering quietly to himself.

I carefully placed hand on his shoulder. He flinches back, as if I'll hurt him, but eventually warms up to the touch. I wrap my arms around him and pull him into a big hug. Niall puts his head on my shoulder and shuts his eyes.

After a while, i stand up and pull Eleanor off to the side. "What happened?" I ask her, more calmly this time. She sighs and glances at the boys. "Justin's brother was back. He locked them in this room and quite literally ripped someone to shreds. They're still new to this" she says and shakes her head.

I walk back over to Niall and take his large hand in mine. I gently pull him to his feet and lead him down the hallway, into our room. He plops down on the bed and puts his head in his hands.

I sit next to him and rub his back. He looked so, broken. Like a fallen angel. "It's okay babe" I whisper. "How about we do what you want tonight. Sound good?" I ask. Niall nods and kisses me.

It gets deeper, and I feel his tongue slide against my bottom lip. I open my mouth a bit and he slips it in, exploring my mouth. He pushes me back onto the bed and climbs on top of me, never breaking the kiss.

I feel his hands play with the hem of my shirt and he slides his hands underneath. I detach our lips for a second to take off his shirt, before connecting to him again.

He quickly slips my shirt off and starts to suck on my collar bone. He bites the skin lightly, causing me to moan. The skin starts to turn a purple red color and hurts to touch.

Niall leaves a trail of kisses down to my stomach. His hands fumble with the waistband of my tight skinny jeans and he pulls them down quickly, leaving me in just my undergarments.

I pull his pants down as well and flip us over, so that I'm on top. I grind my crotch into his and he moans. Niall's fingers play with the elastic of my panties. He reaches behind me and unclasps my bra.

He flips us over. "This is defiantly what I want" he whispers in my ear.

**hey sorry this isn't as long. The next chapter will be better, I promise !). Thanks for reading my story! I really appreciate it. Also, don't forget to



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