Chapter 10: Traitor

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Chapter 10

Megan's POV

I groan and haul myself out of bed. Today was the day. The day I get my Nialler back. We had to wait two freaking weeks to train and prepare.

Eleanor hacked into the security cameras to figure out the location of the warehouse, only to find that it is super, crazily guarded. There was legit six to seven people at every entrance and exit.

We've been practicing to take on that many people at once. We even had to call Cher's gang to help. That took a while for her to agree, but it made us stronger than ever.

I pull on my leather jacket and sigh. I haven't really been feeling that great lately, but I haven't really told anyone about it. I lace up my red combat boots and march into the living space.

"Is everyone ready?!" I ask and am rewarded with cheering. Everyone stands up and runs out the door. We all pile into mine and Cher's range rover and drive off.

As I speed down the empty road, Eleanor fiddles with something into the back seat. Aria chats with Taylor and Danielle as they sharpen their weapons and load their guns. Behind us, I see Perrie and Cher laughing in the other vehicle.

I pull over about a kilometer away from the warehouse. We all pile out of the range rovers and collect our weapons.

I slide a dagger into a pocket in my sleeve and grab a bunch of throwing knives, sliding them into the inside of my jacket. I grab my gun and slip it to the holster on my belt.

Eleanor grabs a bunch of grenades and a Swiss Army knife. She grabs the bomb she was playing with in the backseat and slides it into the pocket of her jacket, since its small enough.

The rest of the girls grab their weapons and throw some to the guys. We go over our plan and split into groups of four. Perrie, Zayn, Cher and Liam run into the woods surrounding the place.

Aria, Taylor, Harry and Matt run up the dirt road, towards the front of the warehouse. They are the distractions, so they get to go first, and then give us a signal.

Danielle, Eleanor, Louis and Rebecca run behind me and the other group, since they are our fighters. I stay behind everyone, so I can get into the building without being noticed.

The big structure looms before us and we take our places. I tie my hair up and slip on a ski mask and a black sweater, just like the guards. Eleanor launches a grenade about twenty feet from us to lure some of the guards away from the warehouse.

We all run in the opposite direction of the grenade and inch our way towards the massive structure. Louis and Eleanor step out from behind the bushes and shoot at the guards.

They hit about five and distract most of the others. The guards run towards us, but Danielle, being the sharpshooter, takes out all but two of them. I run around to the back of the warehouse and walk into an open door.

I pull out my gun and walk quietly down one of the many hallways. I hear voices coming towards me and I take off in the opposite direction, down another deserted hallway. I take off my mask and pull out my phone. Eleanor copies a map of the building onto it so I could navigate the place easier.

Three guards suddenly walk around the corner. They look at me for a second before realizing who I am, and run towards me. I run back in the direction I just came and bump into two more guards. They each grab one of my arms and drag me down yet another hallway, into a big room with a table too the side.

At the table, sits none other than Justin's brother. He smirks at me and motions for the guards to put me in one of the chairs across from him. They stand by my side, making sure I don't try and run.

"Look what we have here" Justin's brother says. I roll my eyes at him. He smiles evilly. "My plan is working perfectly. Now my dear, did you come to get your Niall back?" He asks. I just nod.

He tilts his head to the side. "I'm sorry, but Niall is no longer part of your little gang. He joined us just the other day. You took too long, I'm afraid" Justin's brother smiles at me and pulls out his gun.

"I'm guessing that all your distractions are fighting my guards at the moment, am I right?" He asks. I look at the ground, not daring to say a word. He clicks a bullet in place. "Perfect, then they won't be able to stop me" he hisses.

I shake my head. "Could you get any stupider?" I mutter. Justin's brother looks at me funny. "I beg your pardon?" He says. I finally look him in the eye. "They weren't the distraction, I was"

Arias POV

Megan sits at the table, closely watched by two guards. Only two, really?! I press my ear to the door and listen for our signal. "Niall joined us just a few days ago" I hear Justin's brother say. What the actual fuck?! How could he betray us like that?

I hear the click of a bullet going in place and capture the attention of the others. I point to the door and they all ready their weapons. "They weren't the distractions, I was" Megan says.

I kick down the door and point my loaded gun at Justin's brothers head. His face is shocked and his gun drop from his hand. Megan grabs it and shoots the two guards in the chest. She pulls out her dagger and holds it up to the twins throat.

All of a sudden, Niall and a blonde bimbo burst into the room. We all turn to look at his shocked and bruised face as well. He glares at Megan, who drops the twin, whom Liam and Louis pin to the ground.

Megan marches up to Niall. "Traitor" she hisses. Niall's large hand slaps against her cheek and she stumbles back and falls to her knees. Me and the girls gasp. Niall stalks over to Megan and picks her up by the throat.

Megan claws at his hand, desperately trying to get air, but Niall holds her up like a rag doll. "Where the hell were you bitch?!" He yells. Megan's face starts to turn purple and she points to the floor.

Niall roughly throws my sister to the floor and she yelps in pain. I run over to her and stand in front of her. Niall's eyes burn with hate as he glares at me and the rest of our gang. "What the hell is wrong with you, you big c-" Megan cuts me off.

"Ari, he's right. I wasn't there. I-I deserve this" she says quietly as she pushes me back gently. Niall looks angrier than ever. It's like he's in a trance or something. It's not his nature to be so, so, violent.

He grabs Megan's arm and slams her against a wall. The blonde slut watches in horror as he beats my older sister. She runs over to me. "We've gotta make him stop, he'll kill her!" She says concernedly. I nod and we both run over to the raging boy.

The blonde jumps on Niall's back as he continues to slam my sister into the wall. I look behind me and see everyone rushing foreword to help.

Louis and Liam tie the struggling twin to his chair and knock him out with a blow to the head. They too run foreword to help.

Harry and Zayn grab Niall's shoulders while Eleanor and Danielle grab his arms. The rest of us shield Megan from him. After a while his eyes soften and something clicks inside him.

His eyes go wide in horror and he rushes over to Megan, who's now laying on the ground, unconscious. He picks her up gently and kisses her head.

Niall's POV

I gently pick up my fallen angel and kiss her forehead. I have absolutely no idea what just came over me, but I regret every second of it. I gently stroke Megan's soft hair as I hold her sleeping body close to me.

A lonely tear rolls down my cheek as I run my fingers over the bruises I left on her beautiful face. I'm such a fucking idiot!

I stand up and scoop Megan up into my arms. Everyone kind of glares at me for a second, but I just walk away. I walk down one of the many hallways, into my new room and place megan down on my bed.

I kiss her gently on the lips. "I love you princess"

**hey. I hope you liked this chapter. I hope you all know that I don't relate to Megan at all. Her character is not based off of me, I just needed some names for this story. Her and I are nothing alike (except for my somewhat violent personality and trucker mouth). Anyhoo, don't forget to



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