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It was time to get my dorm set up, after a lot of stuff involving father and administrator number 1. It was time to start searching for the name that had my heart.

My dad shook me awake as he stopped the car in front of Barden University. Dear lord help me. I looked at my dad, he was almost jumping for joy, literally.

"Alright Bec, here we are!" He beamed at me

I smiled awkwardly "Yep, here we are.." I got out of the car and opened the trunk, grabbing my mixing equipment and trudging off toward my dorm. A guy with my other stuff followed me like a lost puppy.

When I arrived at my dorm I opened a the door to see an unusual sight. A fat white girl singing karaoke along with about nine other girls. My jaw dropped as my eyes settled on one particular girl. Chloe

She had red hair, crystal blue eyes, and a beautiful body. Chloe Beale my mind screamed. Oh my, I'm in trouble.

The fat girl approached me and said "What up! You must be my roomy! I'm Fat Amy, and these" she said pointing at all the other people, "are the Bella accapella group, you know what? You should join us!"

I thought about it I had a voice, I think. I had a motive. I was about to answer when a tall blonde burst in "Absolutely not! She hasn't even auditioned yet! You ar-"


The blonde turned to me with absolute murder in her eyes. What have I gotten myself into?

"What did you say?!" She said slowly but far from calmly

"Sure I'll join, if you let me that is.." I said not wanting to push the boundaries toooo much

"Why don't we let her try out here right now?" The redhead Chloe said

The blonde seemed to be actually thinking about this. Please say yes, please say yes!

The blonde nodded and gathered everyone and sitting them down on my empty mattress. I'm stunned and awkwardly put my stuff down think quickly. Then I got it. I grabbed a cup and sang "Cups". When I finished everyone smiled at me and the blonde said "You're in! So I'm Aubrey, this is Ashley," she said pointing to a average sized brunette, "and Stacie," pointing to a leggy brunette, "and Cynthia Rose," pointing to a short black girl, "and Lilly," pointing to a small Asian girl, "and Denise," pointing to yet another average sized brunette, "and Jessica," pointing to yet another average sized brunette, "and Chloe." pointing to the redhead, Chloe, just the girl I'm looking for. I nearly passed out how beautiful she was. Oh my, I'm in trouble...

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