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Remember that sledgehammer I was talking about? Yeah that would be Tom and the fact that Chloe is straight.

"You wanna go get coffee?" I asked hope showing in my steel blue eyes

Chloe seemed to be put out just like a candle at my statement, worried I asked "What's wrong?"

"I have to meet that asshole Tom and break up with him." Chloe said smirking at the mention of Tom being an asshole

"Why? I thought you were happy with him?" I was thoroughly confused at this point nut then I saw Tom with that girl at the bar

"Because he cheated on me and...." Chloe trailed off and looked at me

I raised my eyebrows "and...."

"And I'm in love with someone else." Chloe said smiling up at the ceiling

"Really?" I said pain coursing through my body, she nodded "Who's the lucky guy?"

She grinned her biggest goofiest smile yet and said "Not a he, a she."

Pain laced my voice as I responded "Oh, well who's the lucky girl?"

She smiled oblivious to my pain in her love "It's, ummm, it's Aubrey."

I smiled at how happy she looked "You should tell her."

She looked at me with hope "Really? What if she rejects me?"

I looked at her a smile created by pain "You will never know if you never tell her, Sunshine."

Chloe gave me a smile that almost made me forget my pain and said "Thank you, my Stars. For answering my prayers maybe the Moon will join you soon."

There she goes with the Moon, I wonder what it means? I love her, I really think that Aubrey likes her. And if not, I'll break her neck to compensate Chloe's heart.

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