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After the party everyone but me was drunk, so I drove everyone home. It was the worst fucking thing I have ever done.

Let's just picture me, BECA FUCKING MITCHELL, driving 9 drunk ass girls, all piled up into her car, to their respective dorms. Just think about it. And to add onto it some of them were absolute BITCHES drunk. Take Stacie for instance, SHE TRIED TO FUCKING RAPE ME, in my fucking car, trying to drive her to her bitch ass dorm because she was absolutely wasted.

It was slightly entertaining though. Some of them were drop dead comedians drunk. Take Fat Amy, Aubrey, and Chloe for instance. All Chloe could do was giggle and chug more alcohol, all Aubrey could do was laugh obnoxiously loud at every joke someone cracked and everything everyone did, all Fat Amy could do was crack jokes. Yeah those three weren't bad, it was everyone else.

Chloe was the last pit stop, and I was struggling not to just drive her over to my dorm. She was giggling nonstop, I couldn't help but laugh with her. I couldn't deny her, it physically hurt me to do that.

"Bec can I sleep over at your dorm? I don't think I can make it up my stairs." She giggled

I smiled and said "Sure, but what about clothes and classes tomorrow?"

She frowned and drew her eyebrows together, it was the most adorable thing I had ever seen. "I don't have classes tomorrow and I can just borrow you clothes."

I smiled, I didn't have classes tomorrow either. "Ok, we're here." I said pulling into a parking space.

I got out of my car and walked over to help a very drunk Chloe up to my dorm. When we finally reached my dorm after many trips and giggles, I opened my dorm to find a passed out Fat Amy. Chloe dragged herself over to my bed and passed out, just like that.

I smiled to my self, she was so beautiful it hurt. I could never have her, at the party I saw her making out with her boyfriend, Tom. I came all this way to find the girl who's name captured my heart. The closest I would ever get to her would be best friend, but that's it I could never have her, she's probably not even gay. She was happy that's all that mattered, I would be her guardian angel, her diary, her shoulder. I would protect her even if it meant my safety.

I love her, I'm in love with her. I love Chloe Beale with all my heart. I'm in love with Chloe Beale.

Your my sunshine,
My only sunshine,
You make me happy,
When clouds are gray...

A Name (bechloe)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora