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When Chloe walked in the door I felt the huge hole in my heart partly fill, and I cried. I felt two pairs of hands on me

"I'm so sorry. This is all my fault none of you are bitches, you are more of family to me than my dad is. I'm so sorry, I'm the bitch." I managed to gasp out as I sobbed, when I finally pulled myself together I looked Chloe straight in eye and caressed her face "You're safe." I sighed happily "Thank you Amy."

"Beca, what is this all about?" Chloe was still looking me dead in the eye

"My mom, is a psychotic killer/torturer, she abused me as a child, even when I was still straight. Then I found out I was gay, and she nearly tortured it out of me until I woke up with your name." My eyes began to water at the painful memories

"Why didn't you tell us?" Pain was evident in Chloe's voice as she silently cried

"I only told my dad my mom hit me when she did it the first time, then she found out. She tortured my silence, I've never told anyone else in fear of what would happen. Don't cry Chloe, I made Amy get you because I don't want her to find you." I was wiping away her tears when Chloe's head jerked up

"Why don't you want her to find me?" Chloe had suspicion in her voice

"Because, she asked me the love of my life's name, broke my leg and continued to punch me until I told her your name, then I blacked out. She can't find you, if she does she'll try and torture the gay out of you too, I can't let that happen to you too."

Chloe hugged me, then jerked away, eyes wide "What is it blue bird?" I asked concerned

"She already did."

The doorbell rang, prompting Amy to answer it. "Hello, is Chloe Beale here?"

Sorry for the long wait guys, lots of stuff happened in my personal life and I was busy but here it is and another one coming soon after.


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