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I was only alerted by the Bella's arrival by someone sobbing, but I didn't look. The agony that burned in every fiber of my body wouldn't let me.

"I did this." I heard some on whisper "Where are those razor blades?" The same voice said

"Here, I snatched them from her when I was looking at her scars." I felt a box being passed

"I'll be right back." I heard the bathroom door open and closed

I felt the agony begin to let up, my body was letting me control it again. I sat up to see all the Bellas but Aubrey and Chloe.

"Where is Aubrey, and Chloe?" I asked startling everyone except Amy, who had been watching me the whole time.

"Beca, Aubrey is not coming, and Chloe is in the bathroom with the razor blades." Amy said calmly

My eyes widened, oh no. I jumped to my feet, and rushed to the bathroom. I twisted the nod, only to find out that it was locked.

"Chloe open this door, right now!" I began to ram the door, knowing what she was doing.

I heard her crying on the inside, driving me too get the door open. When I finally burst in I found the most heart breaking and terrifying sight. Chloe, with multiple cuts already on her arms, cutting herself. Agony burned in my body as I wretched the razor blades away from Chloe.

She looked at me "Give those back Beca!" Chloe stood up and advanced towards me, making several grabs for the razor blades "Beca! Let me do this! I need to do this!"

I looked at her hard "No, I can't let you do this."

Chloe's eyebrows scrunched in confusion "Why? Beca, I ruined your life! I caused you so much pain it hurt me! Why won't you let me punish myself?"

I looked at her, my Sunshine "Because, Chloe Beale I'm in love with you! Don't you get it? When you said you were in love with Aubrey it crushed me, hell it hurt me even more seeing you so empty and rejected. No matter what I do, or what you do, it's going to hurt unless you are with me, but it'll hurt me even more if you aren't happy with me. But the worst thing that could've happened, the thing that would cause me the most pain, was the one thing you did. You used me, to get to the one you love! That's why I'm in so much pain Chloe! And the worst part is, you didn't even tell me! You didn't tell me that you were using me Chloe! That's why I'm in so much pain! Why I cut myself again, why I'm literally wreathing in agony, why agony is burning my insides. That's why."

Chloe, to say the least, looked devastated, crushed even. She didn't speak, she just sank to her knees and sobbed, and did too. We just sat there in each other's arms sobbing.

Sobbing because Chloe loved me, but she didn't know it.

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