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I waited until I heard someone yell, scream more like. I ran to the door, throwing it open to find a sight for my dreams. Chloe punching Aubrey in the face. I didn't stop her until she went to do it again.

I lunged forward, pulling her back "Chloe stop! You don't know what you're doing!" She continued to struggle against my grasp "Chloe look at me!" She stopped struggling and looked at me "Stop, she's not worth it."

Understanding crossed Chloe's crystal blue eyes and she nodded. I lead her inside and sat her down on my bed

"I'll be back." She nodded and curled into a small ball

I walked back to the door, stopping at the opening "Aubrey, what did you say to her that set her off?"

Aubrey averted her eyes and mumbled "I told her she was kicked off the Bellas."

I was fuming "Aubrey, if you want to live go back to your dorm, think about how you just lost two people and think about who they are." with that I slammed the door in her face and walked back over to Chloe and sat down on my bed.

"Beca?" Chloe placed her hand on my shoulder turning my body towards her.

"Yeah?" I say meeting her crystal blue gaze

"Did you just quit the Bellas for me?" She was beaming at me

I looked deep into the blue orbs "The only reason I joined was for you."

Her beam grew brighter "Spill, my Stars."

I took a deep breath "Just promise not to freak out, okay?"

Chloe smirked "Beca are you saying that you woke up one morning and knew my name and where I lived?"

My jaw dropped to the floor with a loud thud "How did you know?"

She beamed at me and laid her head on my shoulder "It happened to me too."

I laid my head on hers and sighed "What does this mean?"

She sighed "I don't know."

"Maybe, it means we are going to be really fast friends." I said, smiling through my pain

"Maybe, come on I'm tired." Chloe crawled into bed and looked at me expectantly. I smiled.

"Pjs?" I raised my eyebrows

"Oooh yeah! Toss me some, my Stars." Chloe laughed and jumped out of my bed "Where is Fat Amy been anyways?"

I frowned "I don't know, haven't seen her since I almost killed Aubrey."

"Do you think she's ok?" Chloe asked frowning

"I'll call her in the morning. I'm sure she's fine." I say smiling reassuringly

"Beca?" Chloe turned her crystal blue gaze to me

"Yes, Sunshine?" I smiled at her

"Thanks for everything, my Stars. I think I finally found the Moon." And with that she changed and slipped into bed waiting on her teddy bear to help her fall asleep.

"My Sunshine, I don't need a moon in the sky, all I need is my Sunshine." I beamed at her, climbed into my bed, and cuddled with my Sunshine.

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