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My eyes widened at the sound of my mothers voice, I looked at Chloe and pushed her into Amy's bedroom, following close behind her. I quietly shut the door behind us, and pushed Chloe further into the bathroom, me close behind her.
Finally in the bathroom, I shut the door silently and nudged her into a small closet, sitting her into the deep corner and covering her in large clothes. I opted to play it cool and sat in the toilet after closing the closet silently. When I was I a believable toilet position I grabbed a magazine and flipped through it.

"No sorry, why? Who are you?" I heard Amy say

"I'm just looking for her, I'm Beca's mom by the way." My mom's terrifying voice floated through the walls

"Nice to meet you."

"Do you know where Beca is by chance, the doctors said she left without clearance." Anger was tainting my mom's happy disguise as she spoke

"No, I have Beca's dad's number so I'll call him if I hear anything."

"Thank you, may I come in?" My mom's sickly sweet voice betrayed something I instinctually knew was coming, but was only to describe in five words. She was coming for us.

"Umm, I'm kind of busy.." Amy's voice betrayed her uncomfortable thoughts

"Oh! Well I just need to use the lady's room real quick." I heard footsteps

"Ok well let me lead to the bathroom." I froze in fear, hopefully Amy didn't come to her own room most likely she go to the one in the hall, hopefully.

20 min. passed and still the door hadn't opened the I heard the words that gave unbridled relief

"Well, thank you, goodbye." My mother's voice disappeared with the sound of a closing door

I sighed, only to squeal as Chloe burst out if the closet to see me, on the toilet, with my pants and underwear to my knees. Chloe looked relieved until she took in the situation, then she burst out laughing.

"HAHAHAHA, THIS HAS GOT TO BE THE MOST HILARIOUS POSITION I'VE CAUGHT YOU IN!!!" She was still yelling and laughing when I realized something, the door had opened again. I quickly pulled my pants up and put my hand over Chloe's mouth.

"That sounded like Chloe. Amy were you lying to me?" My mother's voice cause panic in both of our beings, I began to cry knowing my mother might kill my best friend, and the love of my life. I looked at Chloe's frightened face and kissed her, rose to my feet and limped my way to the door.

"Beca, what are you doing?" Chloe hissed pulling me back

"Drawing my mother away from the most important people in my life." I said giving her a sad smile, caressing her beautiful face. "I love my dear blue bird, my Sunshine. This might be the last time you see me, my mom may kill me for this, maybe she'll show mercy. But I'll tell you one thing," I knelt down so I was at eye level, stretching my cast out to the side "I will always love my little blue bird, my Sunshine, my Chloe Beale."

I pulled away from her limping towards the door, only to be stopped again. I turned to find a determined Chloe "You are not leaving me after that, now come here, Amy can take care of herself." Chloe dragged me into the closet covering me and herself in large clothes. We waited until we heard the door shut a third time and Amy call "She's gone."

I rose to my feet and helped Chloe to her feet, and we walked hand in hand out of Amy's bedroom, only to stop at the sight in front of us.

"Hello, bitches."

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