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I woke up to the smell of pancakes and the feeling of someone poking my shoulder.

"Becs, wake up! I have a surprise for you!" Chloe grinned excitedly at me as I opened my eyes

I groaned and looked at my watch "Chloe it's 7:30!"

She continued to beam at me "Becs, get out of bed so I can give you my surprise!" She walked toward the kitchen as I rolled out of my bed.

"Sit down Beca, I'll be out in a minute!" Chloe called from the kitchen

I sat down at my small table and wished again that I could have Chloe Beale, the love of my life, only to be shook back into reality by the angel herself with my favorite pancakes.

I gasped happily and screeched "How did you know?!"

Chloe beamed and set down 2 plates, one for her, one for me. "I have my ways." She winked causing me to blush.

We ate in friendly silence as I reveled in her beautiful presence. Her red hair, her crystal blue eyes, her bright beam, her bubbly personality. Everything about her ensnared me, enslaved me.


I frowned at Chloe's tone "What's wrong Sunshine?"

She smiled at the nickname "We have rehearsals this afternoon."

My expression darkened. Chloe continued slightly stuttering this time "A-and Aubrey w-will be there."

"Chloe if you don't want to go then I'll stay with you." I say softening my expression

She smiled gratefully "Thanks Bec."

"And even if I went, I think I would turn up in jail the next day for murder." I smile and wink at her

She giggles "And I would have to visit you just to give you some pancakes."

I laughed at her antics, she knew just what to say to brighten someone's day. "But you are going to have to go to rehearsals eventually if you want to stay in the Bellas, but I'll be here until you're ready."

She smiled and laid her head on my shoulder. I smiled and laid my head on hers. We stayed like that until there was a knock on my door and I was forced to answer it. I opened the door to see the devil herself.

"Aubrey if you want to live, I would advise turning around and going back to your dorm." I said very slowly, trying to control my self

"I'm not here for you Beca" Aubrey spat at me "Do you know where Chloe is?"

Just as I was going to say no I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked back and there stood Chloe a cold expression on her face.

"Beca, why don't you go clean things up?" Chloe said looking at Aubrey

I nodded, sending one last glare at Aubrey before I turned back inside and began cleaning up. After I had finished I sat on my bed and waited hearing bits of the conversation.

"Chloe...sorry.....Beca......Fat Amy.....you.....unhappy....."


I just waited and tried to tune everything out. I just hope Chloe doesn't get hurt again. If so, then the devil might finally find a bride.

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