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Madeline grew up around boys. Her older brothers both 14 and twins. They would have their friends over regularly and Madeline would always 'happen to be there'.

She was now 13 walking into Middle school with both of her brothers on each side. She wore low waisted black jeans, a green top which was held together by a safety pin, ironically, at her tits.

She was fairly developed for her age. Her body had a nice shape to it. Her figure was insanely good, she had an hourglass with 30DD, 5'2 and a large ass.

She was the talk of the school the second she waltzed in. Her and Evie Zamora, well loved duo.

"Catch you in a bit Maddy!" Nick shouted out to her as her other brother, Russ, waved.

"Cya!" Maddy laughed as she walked over to Evie.

The two exchanged hugs and talked about anything and everything.

"You look great Evie babe" Maddy said admiring the girl's beauty.

"You think?" Evie asked and Maddy nodded quickly.

"I think you look even better Maddy!" Evie stared at her, "Look at you, fucking walking goddess. Who is going to come to just the park later?!"

Maddy sighed, "I can't be fucked today Eves, I'm sorry. Astrid can go though I'm sure"

"Yeah I know she can go, I'd just rather go with you" Evie giggled and Maddy rolled her eyes.

The bell went off causing a lot of the area to groan at the thought of classes. Maddy and Evie exchanged goodbyes before walking in different directions. Evie ended up walking by the boys and then Maddy decided to go to the bathrooms instead so went the same way.

"Maddy you look hot!" Someone shouted from the crowd.

She turned her head and giggled at the fact her brothers were tackling the guy on the ground. All the boys turned to watch but one. He was blonde and kind of just stared at her as she continued walking.


The day ended and Maddy decided last minute she was going to go to the park instead of watching tv. She grabbed her bag and put bag of coke in there and her cell before leaving to meet Evie.

They were just sat smoking weed until Javi ran over asking if Maddy and Evie wanted to go to a party. Maddy wasn't so sure as she thought they were just going to stay there but she's more daring than Evie so without hesitation, she agreed.

The girls walked either side of Javi and Maddy watched how he had his arm round Evie and was grabbing her ass as they walked.

Before they knew it, the three arrived at the party and Maddy departed from the two as soon as she could. She walked to the back of the house and found herself in a utility room. She pulled the light and kneeled next to the dryer.

Maddy tipped the contents of her bag on the floor and grabbed the bag of coke and her fake ID. She lined the coke up and snorted it line by line with a spare dollar she had.

When she'd finished up someone walked through the door, it was the blonde boy from earlier.

"Shit sorry" He apologised before turning round to leave. He paused and noticed the girl on the floor.

Her eyelids were fluttering open and shut, whereas her eyes were rolling back. She was still and was leaning on the dryer behind her. No movement at all. You could barely hear her breathing.

The boy turned round and sat the girl up properly. He tapped her face with two fingers lightly to try and wake her. The pressure got harder and harder until she suddenly was back.

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