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She saw her mother sat at their kitchen island. She was crying.

"Are you okay mom?" Maddy asked. She didn't care but it's better to be safe than sorry.

"I'm sorry Maddy" Her mother said.

"Why?" Maddy asked in confusion.

"I'm getting clean I promise, I've been so shit and look at this place. I blamed everything on you and now you're ending up like me" Her mother said.

"It's okay mom. It's gonna be tough though okay, it won't be easy" She cried in her moms arms.

"I know it won't be easy, but I'll get it together. I've got a sponsor. I'm going to meetings" Her mom said to her and Maddy smiled at her for the first time in years.

"I missed you mom, I missed you so fucking much you don't understand" Maddy cried in her mom's arms.

"I've been so shit i'm sorry!"

Maddy slept on the couch with her mother. She woke up the next morning and her mom was gone. There was a note on the fridge.

Im going to a meeting then spending the day with my sponsor, i'll be home later with some food then we can smoke or something together. Whatever you want to do baby.

Lots of love.
Mom xx

Maddy stared at the letter in disbelief. Her brothers walked through the front door and as soon as they saw her, they ran over and scanned her for cuts.

"Guys I'm fine!" Maddy said in joy. She explained the situations and the two boys were so happy.

Maddy's phone started ringing and it was Mel.

Hey Maddy.

Hey Mel, How is everyone?

We're doing okay. You want to come round?

Yeah, I've got stuff to say, a lot.

Love you baby.

Love you too Mel.

"Guys I'm going out!" Maddy shouted before opening the front door to leave.

"Where?" Russ asked her and she giggled.

"Mason's" Maddy said, "I love you two!"

"Love you too" The boys said in sync as she shut the door.

Maddy walked down the end of her street and walked to the corner shop. She found the same man stood behind the till.

"Never came back darling" He said to her and she giggled.

"Worst thing is, I would do it if I was single" Maddy said, "But I'll pay"

She pulled out a ten dollar bill and handed it to the man before picking out a tube of Pringles. She grabbed them after he scanned it and left through the front. She felt good about her life at the moment. Her and Mason were happy, her mom was getting clean.

Evie was gone. She wasn't sure if it was a good thing or not. She'll miss Evie. Evie was a bad person and Maddy did leave her limping out of the door, Brooke's nose also probably broken.

You get me so high || Mason FreelandOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara