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"Mom! Three strikes and you're out! How many times are you gonna let him fuck you over?!" Tracy said before walking off.

Tracy chucked the clothes on the floor and put her hands on her forehead in rage.

"Hey" Mel said trying to comfort her daughter who was clearly falling apart.

Evie was sat in the chair giggling about Mason with Maddy who was sat on her lap. They watched as the woman who was looking for her purse was stressing about it. They weren't listening to her but was just ready for what Tracy had to say.

"Mom, his clothes should not be here" Tracy said in a manic state, "You promised Mason and you promised me"

Maddy's heart ached for Mason who was clearly going to be upset when he found out what Tracy had just found out herself. She thought maybe she shouldn't take things the wrong way but she did. The girl scolded herself for being selfish and only doing things so she could get what she wanted. Not caring who she hurt in the process.

Evie picked up the woman's bag and Maddy took out her purse. Tracy watched in awe as the girls took money from the purse and placed it back in the bag. The woman and Mel left the house and the three girls scrambled to Tracy's bedroom where they heard rough knocking on the door.

"Tracy Louise Freeland! Conference time! Now!" Mel shouted, "You do not pull a scene like that in front of a client! Even Cynthia"

Tracy pulled the door open with a phone to her chest shielding it from her mother's angry shouting.

"I'm on the phone" Tracy said calmly and quietly while Evie read a magazine and Maddy subtly smoked a cigarette.

"Well get off the phone!" Mel said angrily.

"It's dad" Tracy replied to her mother without hesitation, "He's with the baby"

"Oh shit" Maddy whispered to Evie who just smirked.

Tracy proceeded to shut the door on her mother when Maddy rolled over and smoked the cigarette in more freedom.

Evie left the room to check on Mel while Maddy started thinking about Mason again. How much she missed him, how much she loved him, how much she regretted being a dick to him.

Tracy walked in with Maddy to give Mel the phone about her father. Tracy followed Mel on the phone and Evie walked off with Maddy.

"Are you okay babe?" Maddy asked Evie and pulled her in for a hug.

"Mel told me it was time to go home so I made up a lie about Brooke having a convention and said her boyfriend hits me" Evie said trying not to laugh.

"Ugh I don't want to go home either, I hate my mom" Maddy complained and Evie kissed her on the cheek.

"I love you Maddy, you're the best friend I could ask for" Evie said to the girl and Maddy smiled.

"I love you more Eves, I couldn't ask for someone better to be my girl" Maddy said before hugging her tighter.

Tracy walked back in to see Evie smoking on the bed with Maddy in her arms.

"No. No. My mom will kill me" Tracy said taking the cigarette off of the girl.

"She smokes" Evie argued back.

"No shit the same brand" Tracy said back and Maddy scoffed at the fact the girl said nothing earlier when she was doing it. It's like she sucked up to her more.

The two sat there arguing while Evie pulled out another cigarette to light.

"Look what I got from the tattoo shop" Tracy said and Evie looked at Maddy and smiled before turning back at Tracy in sync.

You get me so high || Mason FreelandDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora